Join us in daily prayer at 3pm (or whenever it fits your schedule), that God would break through with new vision and possibilities in our personal lives and in our church, beyond what we can imagine. Wherever you are at 3pm, whatever you’re doing, we invite you to stop for a minute if you can and pray.
We chose 3pm because of what we read in Acts 10:30 — “Cornelius replied, ‘Four days ago at this very hour, at three o’clock, I was praying in my house when suddenly a man in dazzling clothes stood before me.'” (New Revised Standard Version [NRSV]) Jesus dies on the cross at 3pm (Luke 23:44-46). In Acts 3:1-11, Peter and John go to the temple to pray at 3pm, and while there Peter heals a disabled beggar. Important things happen at 3pm in the Bible!
Prayer of Illumination
Blessed be you, Lord, God of our ancestors.
As your Word was revealed, we became your people.
Today, through your Word and words, let your great story come alive in us,
so that we can live our lives as a part of your story, filled with your meaning, purpose, and hope.
In the name of Jesus our Rabbi, Lord, and friend.