

February 2025

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Mar 1 1


Galentine's Day, Destination Hilliard Sip & Shop 2025

Galentine’s Sip & Shop

Hilliard UMC is participating in the Destination Hilliard Galentine’s Sip & Shop event! PopUp Quilt Shop Our Seams that Bind quilters will be hosting a Pop-Up Shop in the Social Hall from 1-4pm. Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner The Kiwanis Club will be hosting their annual Spaghetti Dinner 4-7:30pm. You can purchase tickets HERE.

9am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

Join us for 9am Traditional Worship in person, online, or on demand. This one-hour service offers a comforting blend of tradition and community. Featuring classic hymns and music from our Chancel Choir, directed by Coshel Caudill, seasonal Bell Choir, occasional special music, and Sanctuary Music Director Tony Hagood, it’s a space where ritual meets belonging and connection. Participants are encouraged to share prayer requests, fostering a sense of closeness and authentic relationship. Wondering what to expect when you attend in…
The Whole Story message series

Whole Story Theological Reflection Group

We’ll be starting some new small groups in the coming weeks for conversation and theological reflection (which just means thinking about our faith, how we know what we know) around The Whole Story message series. Why do we believe what we believe? We’ll talk about how we use the resources of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral (scripture, tradition, reason, & experience) to interpret the Bible and understand our faith. Groups will meet for at least 6-8 weeks, possibly more, depending on the…
Godly Play Children's Sunday school

Godly Play (Children’s Ministry)

Children age 4 through sixth grade are invited every Sunday to participate in Godly Play with Ms. Lindsay and Ms. Nikki and our amazing team of volunteers! Come wonder with us as we explore the stories of the Bible in child-friendly ways. Come down the long hallway from the Sanctuary and meet at the bottom of the stairs. Look for grownups in green God Loves You No Matter What tee shirts. If you’re new, a Welcome Team member will cheerfully…

10:30am Family Worship in the Sanctuary

Join us for 10:30am Family Worship in person, online, or on demand. Lasting about 50 minutes, this service is tailored for the rhythms of busy family life. It’s a blend of contemporary and traditional music styles featuring our talented and versatile music staff, including Sanctuary Music Director Tony Hagood and vocalist Sydney McSweeney. Because we value the diverse ways we all experience God, elsewhere in the building we provide engaging options for all ages: Godly Play for younger children (age…
youth group

Youth Small Group

Small group conversation based on the teachings of Jesus. Each week stands alone, so join when you can! WHO: Youth (grades 7-12) WHEN: 10:30am-11:15am every Sunday WHERE: Sanctuary building, room 303 (education wing, upper level) We follow the Hilliard Schools and Youth Group schedule, so no meetings on holiday weekends or during the summer.
Warehouse 839

11:15am Nontraditional Worship in Warehouse 839

Join us for 11:15am Nontraditional Worship in person, online, or on demand. Here we offer a modern worship experience in a nontraditional space. Lasting 60-70 minutes, this service features a live band (guitars & drums) leading current worship music, led by Warehouse 839 Worship Director Jeff Rone. Our vibe is one of dim lights, authentic people, and a cup of coffee… a relaxed and inviting setting. We want to introduce or reintroduce God’s amazing, no-matter-what love and unconditional acceptance to…
deeper waters innovative courageous leaders

Deeper Waters Info Session

The next Deeper Waters cohort starts September 2025 It’s an extraordinary time to be a human. With everything we are facing collectively and individually, more than ever, the world needs innovative and courageous leaders who can meet this moment with a Even if you don’t hold a leadership position in your organization, all of us can be leaders simply because we can influence others in important, life-giving ways! How do we continue to evolve into the leaders that are needed…
youth group

Youth Group

Join us for fun, a time of worship, and other cool, meaningful stuff. We’ll start with a light meal / heavy snacks, which parents are invited to sign up to provide. We meet during the school year, and we’ll be outside in the Warehouse 839 parking lot or in the youth room inside the Warehouse 839 building. Staff Contact April Andrick, Director of Youth Ministryhumc_youth@yahoo.com614.876.2403 (church office)
2nd Second Monday Men's Group Pastor Jon

3rd Monday Men’s Group

Join Pastor Jon for a no-commitment, no-agenda time of just being together in the shared presence of the Holy Spirit to fellowship, to share, to grow in faith, and to unlearn together. Let’s gather and share what life is like for us, and together let’s encourage one another.
Bible study

Midday Bible Discussion

First & Third Wednesdays12-1pm in personChurch office, room 6Facilitated by Judy Scott & Pastor Jon Osmundson Join Pastor Jon and others to encounter and discuss scripture with this Engaging the Bible foundational class. Learn a method of praying the scriptures called “lectio divina,” which just means “sacred reading.” It’s about slowing down and reading the same verses several times, listening for God’s word to us today. No experience or preparation necessary! Just come willing to listen and share if you…
Wednesday community supper carry out in person free hot meal outreach

Community Supper

Free Hot Meal:Dine In orCarry Out 5:30-6:30pmWednesdays(school year)Menu listed below All Welcome! This community outreach meal is prepared by Hilliard UMC folks for our neighbors to share in food and fellowship. Invite your friends to stop by, or take them a meal, whether connected to Hilliard UMC or not! Volunteers always welcome. Cooks start at 3pm, setup team at 4:30pm, serving team at 5:15pm, and cleanup team and dishwashers at 6pm. We also need delivery drivers to drop off meals…
faithkids faith kids children's ministry

Faith Kids

For kids age 4 – 2nd grade Wednesday evenings, school year6:30-7:30pm, with Ms. Lindsay, in person at churchDrop off and pick up: playground or social hall, depending on the weather and the time of year. We follow the Hilliard Schools schedule, so if Hilliard Schools is off, Faith Kids doesn’t meet. Join us in the Social Hall for Wednesday Community Supper beforehand, serving 5:30-6:30pm! God loves us no matter what, and God calls us to love others as we love…
Faith Finders children's ministry weekday evenings

Faith Finders

Faith FindersGrades 3-6 Faith Finders meets Wednesday evenings, school year6:30-7:30pm, with Ms. Nikki, in person at churchMeets in the Warehouse 839 gym or outside in the Warehouse 839 parking lot, depending on the weather and time of year. We follow the Hilliard Schools schedule, so if Hilliard Schools is off, Faith Finders doesn’t meet. Join us in the Social Hall for Wednesday Community Supper beforehand, serving 5:30-6:30pm, a great opportunity to meet other families! This group will focus on community…
Chili Dessert Fundraiser

Chili & Dessert Fundraiser

All welcome! Join us as our Intrepid Divas small group hosts our Annual Chili and Dessert Cookoff Fundraiser to support our Wednesday Night Community Supper outreach meal. Sign up to bring a crock pot of chili or your favorite dessert… Volunteer to help with set up, tear down, greeting, or serving… And you can also just sign up to attend or just show up without bringing anything or doing anything! Everyone is welcome! A family-friendly chili will be served by…
NOOR Ramadan interfaith iftar dinner

SIGN-UP DEADLINE: Noor Interfaith Ramadan Dinner

We are excited to once again be invited to a special opportunity for interfaith connection and learning with our Muslim friends at the Noor Islamic Cultural Center. On Wednesday, March 12th, at 6pm, the Noor will host their 17th Annual Ramadan Interfaith Dialogue. This is a chance to share a meal, engage in meaningful conversation, and show support for our Muslim siblings as they observe Ramadan. In a time when understanding and solidarity are more important than ever, we encourage you…
engage membership join member

Engage Membership Class

Sunday, February 231:30-3pmin the sanctuary Join us for a time of fellowship and worship, with the option to join the church if you’d like. This is a two-session class; the group that attends the first session will schedule the second one together at a time that works for everyone. Let us know if you’d need childcare and we’ll see if we can provide that.
Sacred Earth group environment creation care

Sacred Earth Group

Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays6:30-7:30pmIn person:Sanctuary buildingParlor (room 206) Join facilitators Ellen Hans and Emily Lamb for conversation and action around climate change, environmental stewardship, and how to best care for our Sacred Earth! Come for discussion around what this group can be: working on projects together, generating action steps, perhaps inviting guest speakers, reading and discussing books to educate ourselves, and mostly supporting each other in our efforts to protect our Earth. Bring your ideas and energy for this…