Join us for 9am Traditional Worship in person, online, or on demand. Hymns, organ prelude, Chancel Choir most weeks, a few more liturgical elements… all the wonderful traditional elements of worship you love. Jody Hepp directs our choir, and Tony Hagood accompanies. Details and livestream links are HERE. Wondering what to expect when you attend in person? Look HERE.
With families with children in mind, the service will be shorter (approximately 45-50 minutes). Music is led by Jody Hepp, Director of Music; Jeff Rone, Director of Contemporary Music; and Tony Hagood, Accompanist. Godly Play for children (year round) and the Youth small group for teens (school year) will meet at this time. Details and livestream links are HERE. Wondering what to expect when you attend in person? Look HERE.
Children age 4 through sixth grade are invited every Sunday to participate in Godly Play with Ms. Lindsay and Ms. Nikki and our amazing team of volunteers! Come wonder with us as we explore the stories of the Bible in child-friendly ways. Come down the long hallway from the Sanctuary and meet at the bottom of the stairs. Look for grownups in green God Loves You No Matter What tee shirts. If you’re new, a Hospitality Team member will cheerfully…
We’ll sing with the Warehouse 839 band, pray, hear scripture and a message, and be together in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We’re Livestreaming! Click/tap the image to be directed to our livestream page for this service. You can also watch on Facebook Live. Volunteer to Help Out If you’d like to sing or play with the Warehouse 839 band, help out with sound, media, hospitality, livestream hosting, nursery (which can be a paid gig), or other roles, sign…