God Loves You… No Matter What

Really. Really!
And we seek to be a place that loves you no matter what, too.
You matter to us, and you matter to God.
Love in action matters.
Authentic relationships matter.



Liminal Space

September 4, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve always been fascinated by the moments in time when things begin to shift. A word spoken at just the right time, a diagnosis that no one saw coming, an unexpected opportunity, a chance encounter, and sometimes just an idea or inspiration that leads us somewhere we hadn’t foreseen. Most of the time, we see these moments only in hindsight, reflecting on the spark, energy, or awakening that jolted us from…

Solidarity in the Journey of Growth, Revisited

August 28, 2024A Note from Pastor April Greatest Hits: Revisiting some previous Letters of Encouragement, in celebration of all God has done during these last four years! Dearly Beloved, On a week when we hear the news of Russia’s bombardment of missiles and strikes across Ukraine, I am reminded of where we were at the start of the war. The letter that I share with you below was written in March of 2022, just as the war in Ukraine was…
hiring help wanted job postings staff

Staff Job Openings

Hilliard United Methodist Church is a growing, dynamic congregation in the heart of Hilliard, Ohio, seeking to help all people know and experience that God Loves You… No Matter What. See our What We Believe page to learn more about our Core Purpose and Values and to read our Statement of Affirmation. We are a proud member of the Reconciling Ministries Network. Farm Market Manager We are seeking a Farm Market Manager (10 hours/week average) to serve as the manager…

The Flow of Grace, Revisited

August 21, 2024A Note from Jon Esala Greatest Hists: Revisiting some previous Letters of Encouragement, in celebration of all God has done during these last four years! Dear Friends, A lot has changed in my own life since I first wrote this letter in February 2022. The biggest change of course is my son Emmett was born in January 2023. Now that he’s a year and a half, it’s hard to believe that there was ever a time he wasn’t…



9am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

Join us for 9am Traditional Worship in person, online, or on demand. Hymns, organ prelude, Chancel Choir most weeks, a few more liturgical elements… all the wonderful traditional elements of worship you love. Jody Hepp directs our choir, and Tony Hagood accompanies. Details and livestream links are HERE. Wondering what to expect when you attend in person? Look HERE.

10:30am Family Worship in the Sanctuary

With families with children in mind, the service will be shorter (approximately 45-50 minutes). Music is led by Jody Hepp, Director of Music; Jeff Rone, Director of Contemporary Music; and Tony Hagood, Accompanist. Godly Play for children (year round) and the Youth small group for teens (school year) will meet at this time. Details and livestream links are HERE. Wondering what to expect when you attend in person? Look HERE.
Godly Play Children's Sunday school

Godly Play (Children’s Ministry)

Children age 4 through sixth grade are invited every Sunday to participate in Godly Play with Ms. Lindsay and Ms. Nikki and our amazing team of volunteers! Come wonder with us as we explore the stories of the Bible in child-friendly ways. Come down the long hallway from the Sanctuary and meet at the bottom of the stairs. Look for grownups in green God Loves You No Matter What tee shirts. If you’re new, a Hospitality Team member will cheerfully…
Warehouse 839

11:15am Nontraditional Worship in Warehouse 839

We’ll sing with the Warehouse 839 band, pray, hear scripture and a message, and be together in the presence of the Holy Spirit. We’re Livestreaming! Click/tap the image to be directed to our livestream page for this service. You can also watch on Facebook Live. Volunteer to Help Out If you’d like to sing or play with the Warehouse 839 band, help out with sound, media, hospitality, livestream hosting, nursery (which can be a paid gig), or other roles, sign…


Thank you for helping to share the no-matter-what love of God with Hilliard and beyond! Your generosity is making a real difference, friends, and we are humbled and grateful to be in partnership with you.


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