Children’s MinistryOutreach Fundraiser Thanks to your amazing support, the Faith Finders are booked through 11/13 and won’t be scheduling any more yards, but you can still donate! We know the importance of play for kids, and having a safe and supportive environment to do that. Here at Hilliard UMC, we have been blessed to be able to provide two spaces for our children to grow spiritually, with a third on its way (our Godly Play spaces). Our friends at Sunrise Academy…
Free Hot Meal:Dine In orCarry Out 5:30-6:30pmWednesdays(school year)Menu listed below All Welcome! This community outreach meal is prepared by Hilliard UMC folks for our neighbors to share in food and fellowship. Invite your friends to stop by, or take them a meal, whether connected to Hilliard UMC or not! Volunteers always welcome. Cooks start at 3pm, setup team at 4:30pm, serving team at 5:15pm, and cleanup team and dishwashers at 6pm. We also need delivery drivers to drop off meals…
For kids age 4 – 2nd grade Wednesday evenings, school year6:30-7:30pm, with Ms. Lindsay, in person at churchDrop off and pick up: playground or social hall, depending on the weather and the time of year. We follow the Hilliard Schools schedule, so if Hilliard Schools is off, Faith Kids doesn’t meet. Join us in the Social Hall for Wednesday Community Supper beforehand, serving 5:30-6:30pm! God loves us no matter what, and God calls us to love others as we love…
Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays6:30-7:30pmIn person:Sanctuary buildingParlor (room 206) Join facilitators Ellen Hans and Emily Lamb in this new group for conversation and action around climate change, environmental stewardship, and how to best care for our Sacred Earth! Come for discussion around what this group can be: working on projects together, generating action steps, perhaps inviting guest speakers, reading and discussing books to educate ourselves, and mostly supporting each other in our efforts to protect our Earth. Bring your ideas…