Discover Hilliard UMC

Discover Hilliard UMC

Discover Hilliard UMC HUMC new

Looking for an informal gathering to get to know the pastors and this faith community, to learn about our core values and mission, and to find out how to get connected? Guests and newcomers are invited to join us for Discover Hilliard UMC!

Next Discover Hilliard UMC

Stay tuned, probably Fall

You can sign up to let us know you’re planning to attend, or you can just show up – we’d love to have you! We hope to be able to provide childcare – let us know if you need it and we’ll see what we can do.

Here’s the handout we’ll use – we’ll have copies for you.

Staff contacts:

Interested in exploring membership at Hilliard UMC? Follow this link for details about ENGAGE.