


What’s Happening in Gaza? (with Peter Hahn)

Dialogue Sermon in Worship with Peter Hahn, Pastor April, and Jon Esala, all 3 services 6:30pm Follow-up Teaching & ConversationSanctuary buildingRoom 306/308Or online on Zoom To follow up on the dialogue sermon in worship on Sunday morning (with Peter Hahn, Pastor April, and Jon Esala), join Peter Hahn, Ph.D., Professor of History at The Ohio State University, for more in-depth teaching and conversation around what’s happening in Gaza, some history about the region, and how we understand our faithful Christian…

Enneagram class: Stress (Zoom)

Stress Reactions & Coping Strategies Thursday, May 97-8:30pmOnline on Zoom Stressed much? Life is hard, and our stress can leak out sideways in all sorts of unhealthy ways! In this class we’ll talk about how each of the nine Enneagram types tends to respond in stress, each type’s Wake-Up Call, and strategies for developing healthier responses. We’ll post a link to the Zoom a day or two beforehand, and we’ll email the link to everyone who’s signed up. We invite…

Centering Prayer Reboot

2nd Mondays6:30-7:30pmSanctuary buildingRoom 206 (parlor) Ginny Fisher will facilitate a monthly group for Centering Prayer practice. Expect an opening grounding/centering activity, an abbreviated Centering Prayer practice (10-15 minutes), and then some conversation around what you’ve been noticing and experiencing in your practice, what fruits have you seen, what has been going well or not, etc., for 30-40 minutes. She may provide a topic or experience based on previous conversations and questions. If you’re interested in practicing Centering Prayer in community,…