Thursday, March 28
5:30-7pm & 8-9pm
Warehouse 839 Gym
Before & after 7pm Maundy Thursday worship in the Warehouse 839 worship space
We invite you to take a few minutes to yourself during Holy Week to connect with the God who loves you no matter what.
A prayer labyrinth is a walking path, often circular in form, used as a walking meditation. A typical labyrinth experience involves preparing yourself at the threshold, following the single path to the center (releasing); spending time in the center for as long as you like (receiving); following the same pathway from the center out, crossing the threshold (returning); and then responding to the experience.
There is no single right way to pray a labyrinth. Praying in whatever way helps you connect with God during the labyrinth encounter is the right way and serves as the best guide possible. Journaling before or after the walk may help provide focus and insights.
Volunteers will be available to provide guidance if you like.