A broad overview for those new to the Enneagram who don’t know their type yet. We’ll also share resources and ideas for how to find your type.
- Sunday, September 12, 1-3:30pm, online on Zoom.
- Facilitated by Aimee Lotz & Lora McConnell.
- Suggested donation: $25 (contribute what you can). (We never want the cost of a class to keep you from participating, so if you don’t have money this time, no worries, it’s on us, happily! And if you’d like to contribute a few extra dollars toward someone else’s participation, we receive all contributions with gratitude. Thank you!) You can give through our GivePlus+ app on your phone or through our website HERE (use the “Adult Discipleship” category and mark it for “Enneagram intro” in the empty field to the right; we’ll also collect contributions at class).