We believe that God loves you no matter what, so we seek to be a community that loves you no matter what, too. We enthusiastically welcome, affirm, and include ALL people here:
- whether you have dark skin or light…
- no matter your marital status or sexual orientation or gender identity or gender expression…
- whether you wear jeans, pearls, flip flops, or neckties…
- whether you have tattoos, blue hair, or no hair…
- no matter your age, ability, cultural background, or politics…
- whether you are in recovery or still addicted…
- whether you can sing like Adele or can’t carry a tune in a bucket!
We embrace those who could use a prayer right now and those who aren’t sure about “organized” religion… and those who are looking for a place to live out their faith in the world. We embrace those who have been hurt by the church, as we seek to live out the truth that God is love.
We embrace you whether you believe God loves you, or you hope to, or you think that’s just a ridiculous idea…
We know we’ve left someone out, but we hope you get the picture: We know God loves you no matter what, and we’re trying to do the same. We believe that it’s LOVE (not guilt, shame, judgment, or fear) that saves us and transforms us.
Our Core Purpose
To be a brave and inclusive community, learning and growing together as we share in God’s unconditional love with all persons.
- We have a special heart for those who have been marginalized by the church and society.
- One’s belonging and dignity are important to us.
- Like in any good relationship, there will be ups and downs and questions. We commit to being with each other no matter what.
- Together as a community, we will grow in our capacity to embody the unconditional love of God in the world.
Our Core Values
Love in Action Matters
- We believe that God calls us to address the profound suffering and injustice in the world.
- We believe that God calls us to love through the Great Commandments and the Great Commission.
- We believe that God calls us to be a tangible embodiment of hope and light.
You Matter
- We recognize the dignity of every individual.
- All persons are beloved children of God and loved equally by God.
- You are valued and welcome here.
Authentic Relationships Matter
- Relationships are important to a vibrant and diverse community.
- Transparency in relationships increases trust.
- We commit to maintaining relationships with respectful dialogue even when disagreements occur.
Statement of Affirmation

“We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and family structure, and of every economic, immigration, marital, and social status, and so much more. We acknowledge that we live in a world of profound social, economic, and political inequities. As followers of Jesus, we commit ourselves to the pursuit of justice and pledge to stand in solidarity with all who are marginalized and oppressed.”

is with you always. God loves you undeservedly and unconditionally. God wants to do life with us — comforting, guiding, strengthening, forgiving, welcoming us.
Jesus Christ…
is the human picture of God. Jesus shows us how God loves — unconditionally, sacrificially, recklessly.
The Holy Spirit…
is God present with you in the good and the bad, breath by breath, moment by moment.
The Bible…
is all about life with God. It tells the stories of how people understood their encounters with God. It is a collection of sacred and ancient texts, much of which was passed down orally and then written down by communities and individuals who experienced God over thousands of years. It’s a book of stories of faith, written by people of faith, for people of faith. It bears witness to an extraordinary story of a God whose love for humanity is always present, and whose movement in the world consistently seeks to bring healing, forgiveness, and guidance, to bring us back into union with God as God’s beloved children. Each part of the Bible was written for a particular people in a particular time in a particular place with a particular purpose. It wasn’t written in English.
The Church…
is the body of Christ in and for the world. We have been created to worship God together in community, and the church is a launching pad for sending love-filled people into the world who are equipped to live out their God-given ministry and mission.
And let’s face it, we are an imperfect community of humans trying to be the church. When our unique, individual identities threaten to harm or divide us, we’re committed to justice, reconciliation, and healing, so that we can continue to move together toward grace and inclusion.
Well, let’s be honest — we don’t really know you yet, but we’re excited to meet you and yours! What we do know about you is that God loves you for who you are, where you are. You are created by God with inherent dignity and worth.
Personal Spiritual Practices…
Our greatest hope for all of us is that we would fully experience, live, and share God’s love in our everyday lives. We long for connection with God. If you choose to become a member of the church, one of the commitments you’ll make is to continue learning and growing. These kinds of personal spiritual practices help us to move closer to encountering God regularly in the ordinary moments of life, and so we covenant to grow in our practices:
- Prayer
- Authentic Relationships
- Serving & Sharing with Others
- Generosity
- Personal Development
- Worship
- Solidarity with the Suffering
- Engaging Scripture
The Church Community covenants to support you in your growth by:
- presenting Jesus Christ and teaching about life with God
- providing inviting, inspiring, and challenging worship experiences
- providing opportunities for Christian spiritual formation and discipleship
- enabling gifts-based service in the church and the community
- providing care and spiritual support for persons in need
- managing the resources of the church responsibly and transparently, consistent with God’s purposes
Here are more details about what membership at Hilliard UMC is about.