God Loves You… No Matter What

Really. Really!
And we seek to be a place that loves you no matter what, too.
You matter to us, and you matter to God.
Love in action matters.
Authentic relationships matter.



Listening to Lament

March 19, 2025A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I pray that your Lenten season has been one filled with space for reflection, connection, and community. This season, the practice I chose to add was a Loving Kindness Meditation. I’ve found it even more helpful to visualize and hold space for others if I am also creating space to listen to the real struggles they are holding in their hearts. As we read the laments of our ancestors in the…
seasons change spring flowers

Caring for God’s Sacred Creation

March 12, 2025A Note from Amy Rae Bashforth Dear Friends & Fellow Members of God’s Creation, I feel closest to God when I am in my garden. My garden is peaceful, but far from quiet. There may be a chirruping robin nearby on a fence post waiting to see if I unearth a tasty grub as I plant some seeds. I may hear the hum of a hummingbird as she quickly zips past my ear toward a Mexican sunflower. I…
Ash Wednesday

Blessing the Dust

March 5, 2025A Note from Pastor Jon and Poet Jan Richardson Dear Friends, Blessing the Dust — A Blessing for Ash Wednesday by Jan Richardson All those days you felt like dust,like dirt,as if all you had to dowas turn your facetoward the windand be scatteredto the four corners or swept awayby the smallest breathas insubstantial – did you not knowwhat the Holy Onecan do with dust? This is the daywe freely saywe are scorched. This is the hourwe are…

Lent at Hilliard UMC

Holy Week, April 13-19 Good Friday worship on April 18 will include ASL interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing. (We’re hoping to have ASL for Maundy Thursday, too; stay tuned.) The Easter Vigil service at 7pm on Saturday, April 19, will be hosted in partnership with our friends at Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3500 Main Street, just down the street from HUMC. Easter On Easter, April 20, there will be Godly Play for children ages 4 through grade…


deeper waters innovative courageous leaders

Deeper Waters Info Session

The next Deeper Waters cohort starts September 2025 It’s an extraordinary time to be a human. With everything we are facing collectively and individually, more than ever, the world needs innovative and courageous leaders who can meet this moment with a Even if you don’t hold a leadership position in your organization, all of us can be leaders simply because we can influence others in important, life-giving ways! How do we continue to evolve into the leaders that are needed…
Wednesday community supper carry out in person free hot meal outreach

Community Supper

Free Hot Meal:Dine In orCarry Out 5:30-6:30pmWednesdays(school year)Menu listed below All Welcome! This community outreach meal is prepared by Hilliard UMC folks for our neighbors to share in food and fellowship. Invite your friends to stop by, or take them a meal, whether connected to Hilliard UMC or not! Volunteers always welcome. Cooks start at 3pm, setup team at 4:30pm, serving team at 5:15pm, and cleanup team and dishwashers at 6pm. We also need delivery drivers to drop off meals…
Faith Finders children's ministry weekday evenings

Faith Finders

Faith FindersGrades 3-6 Faith Finders meets Wednesday evenings, school year6:30-7:30pm, with Ms. Nikki, in person at churchMeets in the Warehouse 839 gym or outside in the Warehouse 839 parking lot, depending on the weather and time of year. We follow the Hilliard Schools schedule, so if Hilliard Schools is off, Faith Finders doesn’t meet. Join us in the Social Hall for Wednesday Community Supper beforehand, serving 5:30-6:30pm, a great opportunity to meet other families! This group will focus on community…
Sacred Earth group environment creation care

Sacred Earth Group

Meets 2nd & 4th Wednesdays6:30-7:30pmIn person:Sanctuary buildingParlor (room 206) Join facilitators Ellen Hans and Emily Lamb for conversation and action around climate change, environmental stewardship, and how to best care for our Sacred Earth! Come for discussion around what this group can be: working on projects together, generating action steps, perhaps inviting guest speakers, reading and discussing books to educate ourselves, and mostly supporting each other in our efforts to protect our Earth. Bring your ideas and energy for this…


Thank you for helping to share the no-matter-what love of God with Hilliard and beyond! Your generosity is making a real difference, friends, and we are humbled and grateful to be in partnership with you.


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