God Loves You… No Matter What

Really. Really!
And we seek to be a place that loves you no matter what, too.
You matter to us, and you matter to God.
Love in action matters.
Authentic relationships matter.


contemporary music band leader

An Awesome Responsibility

February 19, 2025A Note from Jeff Rone Dear Friends, Constance Cherry is a United Methodist pastor from Indiana with Ohio roots. In 2012, she published an incredibly detailed book about planning worship services and events entitled The Worship Architect: A Blueprint for Designing Culturally Relevant and Biblically Faithful Services. When discussing the importance of selecting high quality worship songs, she says this: “Plato once said ‘Let me write the songs of a nation, and I care not who writes its…
Chili Dessert Fundraiser

Sharing Meals with Gladness

February 12, 2025A Note from Beth Latella Dear Friends, Acts 2 says, “42 The believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the community, to their shared meals, and to their prayers…. 44 All the believers were united and shared everything…. 46 Every day, they met together in the temple and ate in their homes. They shared food with gladness and simplicity.” (Common English Bible) This description of the early Jerusalem church warms my heart. It shows community and shared…

Living Through Times of Transition

February 5, 2025A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, What a start to the year we have had so far. Arctic cold temperatures, devastating urban wildfires, a national championship, a fragile ceasefire deal in the Middle East, a tragic airline crash, and an enormous shift in political power in our country. (All in one month!) I haven’t even mentioned the many things going on in each of our personal lives. If you are feeling a little out of sorts these…


Chili Dessert Fundraiser

Chili & Dessert Fundraiser

All welcome! Join us as our Intrepid Divas small group hosts our Annual Chili and Dessert Cookoff Fundraiser to support our Wednesday Night Community Supper outreach meal. If you want to bring a crock pot of chili or your favorite dessert, or volunteer to help out, sign up below… You can also just come eat (sign up or just show up)! Everyone is welcome! A family-friendly chili will be served by the bowl and will be in plentiful supply. A…
NOOR Ramadan interfaith iftar dinner

SIGN-UP DEADLINE: Noor Interfaith Ramadan Dinner

We are excited to once again be invited to a special opportunity for interfaith connection and learning with our Muslim friends at the Noor Islamic Cultural Center. On Wednesday, March 12th, at 6pm, the Noor will host their 17th Annual Ramadan Interfaith Dialogue. This is a chance to share a meal, engage in meaningful conversation, and show support for our Muslim siblings as they observe Ramadan. In a time when understanding and solidarity are more important than ever, we encourage you…

9am Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

Join us for 9am Traditional Worship in person, online, or on demand. This one-hour service offers a comforting blend of tradition and community. Featuring classic hymns and music from our Chancel Choir, directed by Coshel Caudill, seasonal Bell Choir, occasional special music, and Sanctuary Music Director Tony Hagood, it’s a space where ritual meets belonging and connection. Participants are encouraged to share prayer requests, fostering a sense of closeness and authentic relationship. Wondering what to expect when you attend in…
The Whole Story message series

Whole Story Theological Reflection Group

We’ll be starting some new small groups in the coming weeks for conversation and theological reflection (which just means thinking about our faith, how we know what we know) around The Whole Story message series. Why do we believe what we believe? We’ll talk about how we use the resources of the Wesleyan Quadrilateral (scripture, tradition, reason, & experience) to interpret the Bible and understand our faith. Groups will meet for at least 6-8 weeks, possibly more, depending on the…


Thank you for helping to share the no-matter-what love of God with Hilliard and beyond! Your generosity is making a real difference, friends, and we are humbled and grateful to be in partnership with you.


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