Adult Learning Opportunities

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ENGAGE Membership Class

Sunday, July 284:30-6pmSanctuary buildingParlor (room 206) Join us forĀ a time of fellowship and worship, with the option to join the church if you’d like. This is a two-session class; the group that attends the first session will schedule the second one together at a time that works for everyone. Let us know if you’d need childcare and we’ll see if we can provide that.

Enneagram class: Stances* (Zoom)

Wednesday, July 317-8:30pmOnline on Zoom *This is a TOPIC CHANGE – we were originally going to do Conflict Styles; we’ll do that this fall. Each Enneagram type uses certain strategies to get their core needs for autonomy, attention, or security met – we call these the Stances or Social Styles. Types 3/7/8 INITIATE to get their needs met. Types 1/2/6 COOPERATE to get their needs met. Types 4/5/9 WITHDRAW to get their needs met. We’ll flesh all this out and…

Centering Prayer Reboot

2nd Mondays6:30-7:30pmSanctuary buildingRoom 206 (parlor) Ginny Fisher will facilitate a monthly group for Centering Prayer practice. Expect an opening grounding/centering activity, an abbreviated Centering Prayer practice (10-15 minutes), and then some conversation around what you’ve been noticing and experiencing in your practice, what fruits have you seen, what has been going well or not, etc., for 30-40 minutes. She may provide a topic or experience based on previous conversations and questions. If you’re interested in practicing Centering Prayer in community,…