

Membership at Hilliard UMC

Join us for a time of fellowship and worship, with the option to join the church if you’d like.

engage membership join

Next Engage tbd

This is a two-session class; the group that attends the first session will schedule the second one together at a time that works for everyone.

Let us know if you’d need childcare and we’ll see if we can provide that.

Membership is simply about taking another step toward being fully engaged in this community of faith, claiming your commitment to this place, taking a next step in your journey of faith, and responding to your invitation from God to help us be who God calls us to be!

There is zero pressure to join, just an opportunity to do so if it’s the next right step for you.

Content for the gathering will be led by pastors and staff and will include:

  • HUMC’s Core Purpose and Core Values.
  • The Spiritual Journey and HUMC’s Discipleship Pathway, which we call “The Love Vortex.”
  • Spiritual Practices: Because spiritual practices help us connect with God, open our hearts to God, grow in our faith, and help us embody our faith, we invite all members to commit to seeking God through regular practice of spiritual habits such as prayer, worship, personal development, serving, Bible study, etc.
  • Sharing: What has led you to this place in your spiritual journey that you’re exploring membership at HUMC? And what’s your next step of faith?
  • Unpacking and discussion of the questions that new members are asked when joining a United Methodist congregation.
  • Remembrance of your baptism, or get baptized during our time together.
  • Celebration of Holy Communion.

Contact: Beth Palmer, staff (614.876.2403, bpalmer@hilliardumc.org).

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Discover Hilliard UMC

Looking for an informal gathering for conversation and connection, to meet our pastors and some other newer folks and learn about the DNA of HUMC, before considering membership? Click/tap HERE for details.