

10:30am Family Worship in the Sanctuary

Join us for 10:30am Family Worship in person, online, or on demand. Lasting about 50 minutes, this service is tailored for the rhythms of busy family life. It’s a blend of contemporary and traditional music styles featuring our talented and versatile music staff, including Sanctuary Music Director Tony Hagood and vocalist Sydney McSweeney. Because we value the diverse ways we all experience God, elsewhere in the building we provide engaging options for all ages: Godly Play for younger children (age…
Warehouse 839

11:15am Nontraditional Worship in Warehouse 839

Join us for 11:15am Nontraditional Worship in person, online, or on demand. Here we offer a modern worship experience in a nontraditional space. Lasting 60-70 minutes, this service features a live band (guitars & drums) leading current worship music, led by Warehouse 839 Worship Director Jeff Rone. Our vibe is one of dim lights, authentic people, and a cup of coffee… a relaxed and inviting setting. We want to introduce or reintroduce God’s amazing, no-matter-what love and unconditional acceptance to…