Join us for an afternoon of fun and laughter for the whole church family on the water on Sunday August 20! Please see important notes below about costs, and please pay special notice to registration closing on August 15.
- Youth $16
- Adults $22
- Kids (ages 6-12) $5. (Children under 6 are not permitted, per Trapper John’s policy.)
Deadline to sign up and pay: August 15
We will head out immediately following the 11:15am Warehouse 839 service, leaving from the church office at 12:30 to arrive at Trapper John’s close to 1pm. Our return to church will be at about 3:30pm.
We will have a youth group provided meal back at the church directly following the canoe trip. (No cost and no need to bring anything.)
If you can drive, please list the number of people you can transport in your car in addition to yourself/family in the “comment” field.
Check with April Andrick with questions.