All welcome!
Join us as our Intrepid Divas small group hosts our Annual Chili and Dessert Cookoff Fundraiser to support our Wednesday Night Community Supper outreach meal.
If you want to bring a crock pot of chili or your favorite dessert, or volunteer to help out, sign up below… You can also just come eat (sign up or just show up)! Everyone is welcome!
A family-friendly chili will be served by the bowl and will be in plentiful supply. A basket for a freewill offering will be present at the door and throughout the event space.
Chili Categories: sign up below
A panel of judges will determine winners in three categories of chili. Entries are limited to 6 per category; sign up below to tell us what you’re bringing.
- Meatless Marvels
- Mighty Spicy
- Tasty Traditional.
Dessert Categories: sign up below
The same panel of judges will determine winners in three categories of dessert. Entries are limited to 8 per category; sign up below to tell us what you’re bring.
- Happy Holidays
- Enjoyable Every Day
- Delightful Dupes
Other awards will be presented: One “Best Of” and One “People’s Choice” for each of the chili & dessert categories.
Quilted goods available for purchase
Seams that Bind will be onsite with handmade goods available for purchase.
Water and saltines will be available on site.
Each chili entry must be hot, fully cooked, & delivered in a crockpot, ready to serve. Each dessert entry — other than pie — must be fully prepared and individually portioned; pies may be brought whole & uncut. They will be served by the spoonful.
Chilis will only be entered into one category, and desserts will also be limited to entry into one category.
Each chili entry will be assigned a number, which will be used to label the crockpot & any accompanying serving utensil (if provided). Each dessert entry will be assigned a letter, which will be used to label any serving dishes & accompanying utensils (if provided). Please note that there is no refrigeration on site; desserts must be served at room temperature.
Each entry must also be accompanied by an 8.5 x 11” list of ingredients. This is for the safety of attendees who may need to check for allergens or other dietary restrictions.
Entry Descriptions: Chili
1) Meatless Marvels: Challenge your talents and taste buds by bringing your best meatless morsels of chili. It can be savory, it can be spicy, but it must be meatless and without animal products.
2) Tasty Traditional: If you have a traditional chili–whether generational or original to you–this category is for you! Spice level should be minimal to moderate; save your spicy for the other category!
3) Mighty Spicy: As the name implies, bring the heat! Which will melt first: your spoon or your mouth?
Entry Descriptions: Dessert
A) Happy Holidays! Whether it’s a birthday, Mardi Gras, Halloween or the Fourth of July, there’s always a dessert that goes with the celebration. Bring your favorite holiday dessert–no matter the holiday. Creativity is key!
B) Enjoyable Every Day: What’s your favorite every day baked good–the one that you always seem to have around. Whether it’s brownies or cookies or something else, we want to see–and taste–it.
C) Delightful Dupes: When you have a dietary restriction but you crave that treat you used to eat but is now on the “No No” list, what do you do? You create a tasty dupe! So if you’re gluten free or sugar free, or have other dietary restrictions, bring your favorite dessert re-created and re-defined.
Volunteers Needed
As always, we rely on our community to make these events an enjoyable success! You can bring chili or dessert, help with setup or clean up, and more! We need a minimum of six volunteers in each of the following areas:
- Set up Crew (Front of House) (arrive at 3pm)
- Set up Crew (Back of House) (arrive at 3pm)
- Greeters (arrive at 4:45pm)
- Servers (arrive at 5pm)
- Tear down (Front of House) (starts at 7:30, one hour)
- Tear down (Back of House) (starts at 7:30, one hour)
All proceeds benefit the Wednesday Community Supper ministry.