Wednesday, July 31
Online on Zoom
*This is a TOPIC CHANGE – we were originally going to do Conflict Styles; we’ll do that this fall.
Each Enneagram type uses certain strategies to get their core needs for autonomy, attention, or security met – we call these the Stances or Social Styles. Types 3/7/8 INITIATE to get their needs met. Types 1/2/6 COOPERATE to get their needs met. Types 4/5/9 WITHDRAW to get their needs met. We’ll flesh all this out and have time for conversation.
If you’re not sure of your core type yet, this class could help you figure it out – all welcome!
We’ll post a link to the Zoom here a day or two beforehand, and we’ll email the link to everyone who’s signed up.
We invite contributions in any amount toward the Adult Discipleship ministry at Hilliard UMC. Your generosity helps us continue to offer classes such as this, and we’re humbled by and grateful for your donations.