Ongoing Groups for Adults

Ongoing Groups for Adults

For more information on any of these groups, contact Beth Palmer, Director of Adult Discipleship (

Looking for information on being in an ongoing small group for sharing life and faith with a few friends?

Quick Links

young adult coffee meetups

Young Adult Group

Looking to connect with some other young adults (20s, 30s)? This new group is scheduling occasional gatherings, plus a new second Sundays coffee meetup at Coffee Connections at 10am (Main St, Hilliard). All welcome!

Reach out to Beth Palmer to get on the list to receive invitations and updates.

MAP sermon discussion group, middle-aged people

NEW! MAP* Small Group

Sunday mornings
Sanctuary building
Room 206/parlor
*middle-aged people
*but really anyone!

All Middle-Aged People (MAP – but all ages more than welcome!) are invited to discuss the sermon series and share support as we navigate through life. Come with an open mind and a willing spirit to wrestle with difficult issues in a loving and supportive environment. Facilitation is shared by attendees. Each session will stand alone.

Contacts: Lori Lee, Amelia McCarty. (Just show up)

3rd Monday
Men’s Group

Join Pastor Jon for a no-commitment, no-agenda time of just being together in the shared presence of the Holy Spirit to fellowship, to share, to grow in faith, and to unlearn together. Let’s gather and share what life is like for us, and together let’s encourage one another.

  • Third Monday of the Month, 7-8pm.
  • Sanctuary building, room 306/308 (upper level of education wing).
  • Facilitated by Pastor Jon Osmundson.

Seekers ongoing group adults


This ongoing Sunday morning group for adults discusses a wide range of books and topics.

Class pace is relaxed, and the only real requirement is that participants are seekers who want to deepen their relationship with God.

  • Sundays, 10-11am.
  • Sanctuary building, room 206 (parlor, accessible). You may also participate on Zoom; sign up and we’ll send you the details.
  • Facilitator: Ginny Blasingame.

quilters quilting quilt seams that bind threads of faith

Seams That Bind,
Threads of Faith

Sewing & Quilting Ministry

Mondays 9am-12pm
Wednesdays 9am-12pm

Location: Missions Room, Warehouse 839 building.

Monday is mission day. Come help create homemade quilts for:

  • Moms2B, an “innovative, community-based program” of Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center that aims to support low-income women through pregnancy and motherhood.
  • Stepp Clinic Program (OSU)
  • My Very Own Blanket, fleece blankets for foster children
  • UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), large unlined quilts that go internationally as well as stateside
  • Henderson Settlement in Frakes, Kentucky
  • Toledo Maternal Health

We also make quilts for children getting baptized at Hilliard UMC.

We continue to accept fabric and pass on what we cannot use to St. Paul’s Lutheran (New Rome) and the Golden Hobby Shop (Columbus), which assists seniors in their arts and crafts projects.

Wednesday is open for your own projects. Linda is also available some afternoons for special projects.

Don’t know how to quilt yet? Beginners welcome! You can cut fabric, sew, do finishing work, and more, while you learn.

Ministry Leader: Linda Overman.

Open Basketball

Wednesdays 7:45-9:15pm in the Warehouse 839 gym. Exercise and have fun with a great group of people. Not a league; it’s open gym basketball for individuals of all skill levels. Contact: Dave Bowman or Jason Hudson, or just show up!

United Women in Faith rebrand logo

United Women in Faith

Formerly called United Methodist Women

Enjoy a supportive community of women, engaging in activities that foster growth in Christian faith, mission education, and social involvement. Lydia-Dorcas Circle meets the second Wednesday of the month for lunch and program in the social hall, Sanctuary building (most months; usually skip July, August, and January).

UMW was rebranded by the United Methodist Church in 2022 and is now called United Women in Faith.

  • Second Wednesday of the month, 11:30am-2pm, in the Sanctuary building, social hall.
  • Bring your own lunch.
  • Facilitator: Jan Weatherby.

ongoing adult small groups

A Different Kind of Small Group:
The Wesley Class Meeting

Do you want to connect on a personal, spiritual level with friends? Do you want to go a little (or a lot) deeper in your faith?

These groups have no homework and minimal leader prep (once the group gets started), just a commitment to meet regularly for an hour or two to do life together by answering a couple of key questions: “How have you experienced God this week?” and “How is it with your soul?” It’s transformational in the best possible sense!

It’s about watching over one another in love and learning to pay attention to what God is doing in your life.

If you’re interested forming this kind of group with a few friends, contact Beth Palmer to get started.

If you don’t feel like you know enough people at church yet to start your own group, start by signing up for some stuff, so you can get to know more people: take a class, help serve dinner at the Wednesday night community meal, offer to greet people arriving for worship on Sunday mornings, join the choir…  Or contact Beth, and we can help you find some people.

When you have a few others you’d like to try doing group life with, people with whom you think you might be able to be your authentic self, contact Beth Palmer for details and resources — we’ll get you started.

Small Group Resources

Looking for your next study? If your small group does book studies, stop by the church office to check out all the small group study resources Hilliard UMC owns. Contact Beth Palmer, with questions or to arrange a time to meet her there to talk about the options and get some ideas for your group (

Staff Contact

Beth Palmer, Director of Adult Discipleship