New Worship Schedule
Starting July 9
Your Church Council voted unanimously to move to a new worship schedule starting in a few weeks on Sunday, July 9.
Our 9am traditional service will remain as it is.
Our second service will move to 10:30am and will be a shorter 45-50 minute service with music and the message, designed for families with children. Godly Play and our Youth small group classes will be offered during that time period (youth small group resumes in the fall). The music will be led by our music director, accompanist, and new band leader, featuring more contemporary songs.
Our new service in the Warehouse 839 space will be at 11:15am and will include a full band with modern contemporary music in a casual and informal setting. We’re working toward weekly worship in Warehouse 839 starting in the fall. Summer dates are July 9 & 23, August 6 & 20.
Nursery services will continue to be available at all three services, and we’re looking for more people to staff the nursery (paid or volunteer).
We are so excited about the ways in which this continues to allow us to move with the Spirit and make space for God to be at work in unique ways in each of these three services.
And we’re glad you are here to be a part of this season of growth and new life!
Want to get involved?
Use this general signup form to indicate your interest in volunteering for the hospitality, sound, media, or nursery teams (among others) in either the Sanctuary or Warehouse 839 at any service, and we’ll reach out with more information!