January 15, 2025
A Note from Coshel Caudill
Dear HUMC Family,
I hope everyone is finding this new year to be full of new adventures and opportunities!
For those whom I have not had the chance to meet yet, my name is Coshel Caudill, and I am the Chancel Choir Director for the 9am traditional service. It has been my honor and pleasure to work among such talented people these past few months, and I am excited to continue making music with and for all of you!
Overcoming barriers to success
I wanted to take the time to talk about overcoming barriers to success. This is something that everyone must do at some point in their lives.
Whether it be getting over a fear or facing adversity, we strive to be better versions of ourselves each and every day by overcoming whatever trials may present themselves.

My biggest trial so far in my young career has been performance anxiety. I am typically one to stay in the background and blend in whenever I can. Obviously, that is not possible in a field such as music, where you are required to constantly perform in front of audiences and share one of the most vulnerable parts of yourself while doing so.
When I was in high school auditioning for universities, I was so self-conscious about my voice that I would refuse to practice singing anywhere unless I was the only one around — including in my own home. This made it difficult for me to present my voice to people who needed and wanted to hear it.
It was difficult until I received a special response that boosted my confidence: encouragement. Encouragement from my peers, encouragement from my mentors, encouragement from those who make me feel like I matter.
Over time, through this encouragement — which would show itself in many ways, many times as small as a simple compliment — I was able to find strength in myself and what I could accomplish.

Through this encouragement, I was able to unlock a part of me that I would have never found on my own.
I successfully auditioned into every school I applied for, grew in my singing and musicianship capabilities, and even became comfortable leading others.
None of this would have been able to happen had it not been for those people I could rely on for support.
Music is such a blessing, and being able to share the gift of music with others is something that every musician loves more than anything.
Overcoming my fears showed me that I could do anything I put my mind to, and having a stable support system is just as important as anything else you can do to accomplish them.
Take those leaps of faith

With that, I have a challenge for you — take those leaps of faith.
Whether it be in your workplace, at home, or even finding a place to serve at HUMC, I encourage you to branch out and take on any barriers that you feel may be holding you back. I promise that everyone here at HUMC and I will be here to encourage you and to support you in any way we can.
Lastly, I will leave you with this — if you have ever felt the same way about your voice as I did, please do not let that barrier stop you from pursuing something you love. Come to a choir rehearsal and check it out. Something I love about our choir is that everyone is so welcoming to anyone who comes through the door and never passes judgment.
Music has such a transformative power, and if you have any desire to participate in making music, there is always a place for you here at Hilliard United Methodist.
I hope you all have a great year and can share our many joys with each other!
Yours and His,
Coshel Caudill
Chancel Choir Director