Search for 'sign up to hear'

Search for 'sign up to hear'

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Sign Up to Hear from Us By Email

If you want to join the mailing lists for Children’s Ministry or Youth Ministry, email those staff persons directly or use your Sunday Connect Card to sign up. Lindsay Robinson, Director of Children’s Ministry, Nikki Buskirk, Director of Middle Grades Ministry (grades 3-6), April Andrick, Director of Youth Ministry,

Sacred Earth Group

Wednesday, October 236:30-7:30pmIn person:Sanctuary buildingParlor (room 206) Join facilitators Ellen Hans and Emily Lamb in this new group for conversation and action around climate change, environmental stewardship, and how to best care for our Sacred Earth! Come make plans to work on projects together, generate group and individual action steps, perhaps hear a guest speaker, read and discuss books to educate ourselves, and mostly support each other in our efforts to protect our Earth. Bring your ideas and energy for…

Listening to our Hearts

May 22, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve been back from my renewal leave for six months this week, and I continue to feel the benefits of those four months away. Some of the gifts were expected — rest, time with family and friends, and a chance to travel were among the highlights. One of the greatest gifts, however, was entirely a surprise. The time away gave me time to LISTEN to what my heart truly desires. I’m…

Fill Your Cup

May 8, 2024A Note from David Bartholomew Dear Friends, So, you’re hoping to be in tune with today’s discipleship in a time when your views on social change can make or break nearly all sense of community? No matter what beat you’re marching to, we can all find common ground in the idea that we are here to do what He has called us to do. That is the very foundation of what led me to join the congregation officially…

Listening to our Hearts

January 3, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, 2023 was filled with life lessons. Some of these were lessons that I was focused on from the start of the year. I learned a lot about what it means to listen to my body and the valuable wisdom she brings. Renewal leave allowed me the space I needed to slow down and move at a pace that felt healthy and healing. (A lesson I’m still learning after coming back from…

Stand Up & Go Gold!

May 10, 2023A Note from Robin Ozbolt Dear Friends, In our preschool world, colors are a topic of conversation on a daily basis. What is your favorite color? Can you share the red crayon? My dress is pink! My shoes are green! But when does a color represent much more than a shade on the spectrum of colors? The Color Gold The color gold has been on all of our minds this year. Gold is a precious metal, but it…
West Ohio Conference, United Methodist Church

Methodism – Denominational Update

November 16, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I remember the moment I knew the United Methodist Church was the right one for me. I was in seminary in a United Methodist History class, and our professor, Dr. Diane Lobody, was telling us story after story of John Wesley in the early days of the Methodist movement. Wesley lived in the mid 1700s, a priest and academic in the Church of England. He bore witness to the massive divide…
sign up mailing list email

Want to hear from us more often?

We send out occasional news eblasts about upcoming events, adult learning opportunities, and places where you can plug in and serve others. Weekly Letters of Encouragement will give you some hope and joy and boost your faith. If you like to pray for others, sign up for our twice-weekly prayer chain.

For Equilibrium

October 9, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, I was reading an article about human emotion and came across this phrase “paleomammalian cortex.” I thought theological terminology was difficult enough, but as I read I learned that this is how engineering types talk about the emotional centers of our brain. The emotional center of our brain For me, finding this emotional center can mean reading scripture or looking at an image and entering into the scene. It means moving…

Finding Wonder in the Mess

October 2, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Adorable. I love all things adorable. Adorable small towns. Adorable cobblestone streets and squares. Adorable bookstores and coffee shops in said small towns and squares, preferably with adorable gardens and patios where I can sit and savor it all. It took me a while to understand how much the aesthetic around me impacts the way my body feels and the energy I have for my work. There is an intense amount…

Playing with Fire

September 25, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, You’re playing with fire. ~Parental words of wisdom to our teenagers The symbol of the United Methodist Church for the last 56 years has been the cross and flame. Behind the familiar Christian symbol of the cross, we see a red flame, a symbol of the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit, seemingly floating in the air and providing a vivid red backdrop. The church could have chosen another image of…

Weddings at HUMC

Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here! If you are considering or planning to include HUMC as a part of your special day, you’re in the right place! This page will provide you with all the information you need, and we would be honored to host you, your family, and friends for the big day! Planning a wedding and preparing for marriage is an exciting time in a couple’s journey. Our community at Hilliard United Methodist Church is ready to serve…