Sponsored by United Methodist Community Ministries of
Capitol Area North and South Districts
As we ease into this next season of being human, we acknowledge the deep grief we hold. Whether from loss of loved ones or the isolation of the pandemic or trying to find new rhythms, there’s a sense of loss that permeates the air. Our world socializes us to shove grief to the side and barrel forward, determined to succeed again.
But what if gently entering our complicated grief is where our healing and wholeness invites us next? We want to be honest about our grief so we can turn our attention to new invitations of life.
Through storytelling, ritual, reflection, and communal noticing, we will journey into the grief that lives in our bodies.
All are welcome to A Weekend of Healing on May 5-6, 2023.
The Rev. Jenny Smith is a United Methodist pastor and the author of Still Here: A Poetry Memoir of Grief and Love (see below). We used her Palms Up framework for Advent a couple of years ago. In a time when it’s harder than ever to look reality in the eye, Jenny Smith offers people the courage to show up authentically to all of life’s complexities. As a writer, coach, and spiritual guide, Jenny teaches that we cultivate resilience and healing when we move from the story of fear and avoidance toward a palms up posture of curiosity and creative awareness. Drawing on her own life experience, Jenny treats sensitive topics like anxiety, perfectionism, professional burnout, guilt, and grief with disarming humor and grace, offering hope that the way to wholeness is often right through the heart of the hard things. Connect with Jenny at www.jennysmithwrites.com.
Friday Evening, May 5, 7pm
A Service of Healing at Scioto Ridge UMC
Friday evening, May 5, Scioto Ridge United Methodist Church will host a worship service of healing at 7pm (4343 Dublin Rd, 43026). This event is free & open to the public. No registration required. A freewill offering will be collected to help with retreat costs.
Saturday, May 6, 9am-3pm
Retreat at Hilliard UMC
Social Hall & Sanctuary
Saturday, May 6, Hilliard UMC will host a retreat, 9am-3pm, in the sanctuary and social hall (5445 Scioto Darby Rd; use the door under the giant portico). Registration is required for the Saturday portion by April 30.
Cost: $40 (includes lunch). Scholarships are available; please reach out to Pastor April Blaine or Beth Palmer. And if you’d like to contribute more than the $40 fee, to help with scholarships, Jenny’s fees, or lunch costs, we’d be honored. You can bring or mail a check marked “Healing Retreat” to Hilliard UMC (PO Box 158, Hilliard OH 43026) or pay online using the link below (use the Operating Fund option or Adult Discipleship Class option and put “Healing Retreat” in the memo field).
Registration Required by April 30 for the Saturday retreat.
Jenny’s book
Jenny will bring a limited number of copies of her book to sell at the retreat, and she’ll be available at certain times to sign them, too. You can also order your own copy ahead of time by clicking/tapping the image below.