Laity Sunday


August 23, 2023
A Note from Ginny Fisher

Dear Friends,

This Sunday, Hilliard UMC will be celebrating Laity Sunday.

What is Laity Sunday, you ask? According to the United Methodist Church website, “Laity Sunday is a time to recognize the work and mission of all laity — not only within the walls of the church but in everyday lives.”  

Who are the laity being celebrated? You! Laity Sunday is a Sunday set aside each year to remember that the ministry and service of the church is not just the job of paid staff and clergy. We lay people are also called to ministry and service inside and outside of the church walls.

As I have been following Pastor Jon’s advice of looking and listening for God at work and to where God is calling each of us (July 19’s Letter of Encouragement), the following examples of the ways you serve this community have come to mind, in no particular order (many apologies to those whom I have inadvertently missed):

serving opportunities serve the church
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  • Members of church council
  • Chairs and members of Trustees, Finance, Staff Parish Relations, and other committees and sub-committees 
  • Strategic planning group(s) for the future non-profit
  • Adult class teachers and small group leaders
  • Those who help lead worship services by reading, sharing musical talent, or serving communion
  • VBS station leaders, crew guides, assistant crew guides, donation providers
  • Youth leaders
  • Godly Play, Faith Kids, and Faith Finders leaders and helpers
  • Nursery workers 
  • Choir members
  • Audio and video team, livestream hosts
  • Thanksgiving Outreach participants
  • Warehouse 839 band members
  • Office volunteers 
  • Hospitality greeters on Sunday
  • Hospitality snack providers and servers
  • Wednesday Community Dinner planners, servers, and cleaners
  • Quilters
  • Technology experts who keep the church online and wired
  • Farm Market planning committee, set-up, tear-down, and welcoming crews
  • The behind-the-scenes folks who prepare the sanctuary for each season of the church

Thank You!

WOW! What a list!

God loves you no matter what!

Thank you for the many, many hours that you have given in service to HUMC. Please know that you are seen, loved, and appreciated.

As your Lay Leaders, Jon Esala and I are grateful for and humbled by the many ways that you minister to and serve this congregation — the many, many ways that you share God’s “No Matter What” Love. This church could not function (or even exist!) without you.

Blessings on your journey,

Ginny Fisher

Ginny Fisher