Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School

Sign your kids up for the

*July 7-11, 2025*

Mornings: VBS, 9am-12pm
For kids age 4 through entering 6th grade

In 2024 we introduced Just Like Me VBS, a curriculum from the Reconciling Ministries Network that deeply aligns with our faith and community efforts. It centers on a community garden theme, encouraging children to discover their identity as God’s beloved, through Biblical stories of impactful change.

Participants engaged in activities that foster curiosity, advocacy, and self-expression, learning to use their voices and gifts to build an inclusive community and support others. It was a week of growth, fun, and connection!

Cost: Early bird suggested payment is $20/child or $50 total for 3 or more siblings. $25/child after that.

Afternoons: VBS Plus, 12:15-4pm
For kids going into grades 4-12

VBS Plus registration closes July 1

Don’t want VBS to end? Come join us for an afternoon of being Jesus’s hands and feet as we help others in and around our community. VBS Plus will focus on helping communities in and outside of Hilliard, as we take off-campus trips to do service projects.

After VBS we will have lunch together, spiritual time, and then we will set off to do our mission work.

IMPORTANT: If your child is attending VBS Plus in the afternoon, use only the VBS Plus registration link below even if they’re also attending VBS in the morning; you’ll be able to indicate on the VBS Plus registration whether your child is also attending VBS in the morning.

Cost: Suggested payment for the VBS Plus afternoon session only (not attending VBS in the morning): $100 per child (families with 3 or more siblings should contact Nikki Buskirk or Pastor Jon Osmundson for pricing). If your child is attending both the morning VBS session and the afternoon VBS Plus session, the total cost per child is $120 (again (families with 3 or more siblings should contact Nikki Buskirk or Pastor Jon Osmundson for pricing).

Contact Nikki Buskirk, Director of Middle Grades Ministry, or Pastor Jon for more information about VBS Plus.

Serve at VBS

Youth (entering grades 7-12) and adults are encouraged to serve in this transforming week of ministry! There are behind-the-scenes opportunities both before and during VBS (like decorating, registration, tech, sound, and lunch teams) and opportunities with kids during VBS (crew guide, assistant crew guide, station leaders and helpers, song leaders, skit actors, nursery staff, VBS Plus guides, and more)!

All youth and adult volunteers must complete our Safe Sanctuaries training and have regularly attended HUMC worship or other church activities for at least the last six months.

Donate Food & Other Items

Help provide a great snack to our kids during VBS, plus lunch for our VBS Plus kids! There will be other needs as well for various VBS activities, so stay tuned to worship on Sunday mornings for various announcements and opportunities to contribute.

We’re honored by your gifts, thank you!

Support VBS with a Financial Gift

Would you like to support our VBS ministry with a financial gift? We’d be honored! There are children who need scholarships to attend, supplies to purchase, staff salaries to fund, and more. You can give online using the link here, or mail or drop off a check to church anytime, marked for VBS. Thank you!

Staff Contacts

Lindsay Robinson, Director of Children’s Ministry
Nikki Buskirk, Director of Middle Grades Ministry

Lindsay Robinson, Director Children's Ministry Children kids child
Lindsay Robinson, Director of Children’s Ministry
Nikki Buskirk director middle grades ministry
Nikki Buskirk, Director of Middle Grades Ministry