Join us for pumpkin painting & s’mores while we enjoy the fellowship of others!
We’ll have hot dogs, chips, drinks, and s’mores.
Bring the whole family! Invite a friend! All welcome, whether connected to Hilliard UMC or not!
Cost: $10 per person or $35 max per family group. Please pay in advance by following the link below; use the Youth Activity line and put “pumpkin” in the memo field. You can also bring or mail a check to church or put it in Sunday’s offering plate, marked for Pumpkins & S’mores. We don’t want the cost of this event to keep you from participating, so reach out to April Andrick, Nikki Buskirk, or Lindsay Robinson if the cost is a barrier. And if you’d like to contribute a few extra dollars to support someone else’s participation, we’d love it!
Registration is closed now.
Staff contacts:
April Andrick, Director of Youth Ministry (humc_youth@yahoo.com).
Nikki Buskirk, Director of Middle Grades Ministry (nikki@hilliardumc.org)
Lindsay Robinson, Director of Children’s Ministry (lrobinson@hilliardumc.org)
Rain location: Warehouse 839 gym.