Church News (Page 2)

Blue Christmas

December 18, 2024A Note from Beth Palmer Hello Friends, Christmas is so fun! There’s so much magic in the air, and family celebrations can be moments of true joy, and kids are so excited, and there’s those amazing soft ginger cookies we always make, and the music! “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” and “O Holy Night”! And the pretty candy cane Christmas lights on those trees on Dublin Rd! My family laughed so hard one year while failing…
Hilliard Food Pantry Plus

Building a Community Where Everyone Thrives

December 11, 2024A Note from Erin WestExecutive Director, Hilliard Food Pantry Plus Dear HUMC, As we enter this season of giving and gratitude, I’m thrilled to share exciting updates about the work happening at Hilliard Food Pantry Plus (HFP+) and how your generous support is making an impact in our community. This year, your partnership is helping us expand our services and provide essential resources to neighbors in need. Opening the Share Closet We are delighted to announce the opening…
music LOE FI

The Gift of Music

December 4, 2024A Note from Tony Hagood Hello HUMC Friends, As the holidays quickly approach, I find myself both excited and, honestly, a little stressed! The holiday season is busy for many of us, and for musicians, it’s often the busiest time of the year. I wanted to give you a glimpse into the life of a working musician during this season — perhaps some of these experiences will resonate with you. The life of a working musician The past…
Advent 2024

Christmas Eve Welcome Team: Sign Up to Serve

Thank you for signing up to serve on a Christmas Eve WELCOME TEAM! Your friendly smile will help us show worshippers that God loves them no matter what! We ask you to arrive 45 minutes before the service starts for instructions and assignments, so we’re set up and ready to go in plenty of time for the early arrivals. Services are: We’ll have candlelight singing of Silent Night at all services, with glow sticks for kids. We expect to livestream all…
Thanksgiving Outreach serving others beyond mission food insecurity


November 27, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, As we lean in to a day of giving thanks, we offer to you these words of the poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox. It’s not just in the big things, but may we be thankful to God for it all… Thanksgiving Ella Wheeler Wilcox1850–1919This poem is in the public domain. We walk on starry fields of white   And do not see the daisies;For blessings common in our sight   We rarely offer praises.We…
Focus groups featured image FI

New Church Center App!

Hello HUMC Community! Exciting changes coming to our giving and signup platform in 2025! We would like to take this opportunity to let you know there are some changes coming to our giving platform in 2025. Beginning January 1, 2025, we will be moving from Vanco and Servant Keeper to Planning Center to manage our membership and giving. This change will allow you to manage and change your personal account and look up your current giving picture at any moment.…
Advent Bible Study Low Jon Pavlovitz

Deepening our Spiritual Journey

November 20, 2024A Note from Marilyn Hoeflinger Dear Friends, I love our church, my church. I love and respect our pastors, our staff, those that are in leadership, and the entire community that aligns itself with the core values and principles of our faith community. Being encouraged to continue to learn about what God through Christ is asking of me in these tumultuous times, I humbly remain optimistic that I still have much to learn and offer as we navigate…
Thanksgiving Outreach serving others beyond mission food insecurity


November 13, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, November, in my humble opinion, is the best month of the year. It’s not just because we get the privilege of voting, or because it’s No-Shave November, or even the fact that it happens to be my birth month (though that does make it a bit more momentous). For me, November is special because it’s the one month when we intentionally pause to celebrate and give thanks for the abundance and…

A Prayer for Election Day

November 5, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dearest Ones, As we embark on this historic day in an election year like no another, know that your pastors are holding you in our hearts today. The Letters of Encouragement usually go out on Wednesdays, but this week we thought you could use a little encouragement and prayer today. I offer you this prayer written by Kaeley McEvoy, a young leader in Washington, DC, working with the Christian organization Sojourners. Her words…
Cram the Cruiser coat drive

Cram the Cruiser Coat Drive

Help Hilliard Police Cram the CruiserCoat Drive with new or gently-used coats for Hilliard City Schools students! Every donation stays local. All coat sizes are accepted. Bring to the marked bin in the Sanctuary building entryway or the church office by December 1.