'youth' Tagged Posts

celebration Sunday confirmation graduates Bibles

The Church

May 15, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Spending time with family has always been really precious to me. When Martin and I made the move to Ohio in 2003, we left behind our families in Arkansas. Since then, my immediate family has only become more scattered across the US (my sister in Seattle and my brother and his wife in Colorado). Though we make lots of efforts to stay connected and see each other throughout the year, I…
house plants

Help with youth house plant project

Are you a gardener who loves indoor plants? Do you have some plants already growing in your home that could easily be propagated? In the first couple of weeks of August, we will be inviting folks in the congregation to bring a few of their houseplants to the church and assist our youth in learning how to take the leaves and stems and grow new plants. The youth will then watch as new roots begin to grow, and eventually pot…
youth suicide awareness & prevention adult learning event

Youth Mental Health

April 24, 2024A Note from Max Andrick Hey Friends! I have volunteered and walked beside youth and their families for a while now, and I believe that there is a greater need now more than ever for us to share in this journey. Proverbs 22:6 says Train up a child in the way they should go,and when they are old, they will not depart from it. Psalm 139:14 This scripture makes it seem so simple. Train the child up in…
house plants

Plants and More Plants

April 17, 2024A Note from Pastor April & April Andrick Dear Friends, Today’s letter is a tag team from the Aprils — Pastor April and April Andrick, our Director of Youth Ministry. April Blaine: While I had always enjoyed outdoor gardening, it wasn’t until the pandemic that I ventured into indoor houseplants. They seemed to require a lot more attention and care than I had time for. How much water to give them? How much sunlight did they need? House…
God loves you no matter what!

Youth Scholarships Available

Are you currently enrolled, or planning to enroll, in a college or trade school this fall? If you are, this is your chance to receive one of four $250 scholarships we are able to offer! Deadline to apply: May 10 Contact April Andrick, Director of Youth Ministry, with questions.
lakeside institute youth camp

109th Year of Camp!

February 7, 2024A Note from April Andrick Dear Friends, This July will be the 109th year of Lakeside Institute camp — 109 years of a camp dedicated to the faith journeys of youth & young adults! Thinking about the number of teenagers, adults, and families that have been impacted by camp over that number of years leaves me in awe. Did you know that the youth group here at HUMC has been sending youth to Lakeside for more than twenty…
September calendar

There is Enough

August 30, 2023A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, This Thursday night and into Friday morning it will be time to turn the page. Like it or not, we will acknowledge that we are two-thirds of the way through this calendar year of 2023. The page turn to September, however, is an exciting one for me. The excitement is not just because my kids are all back in school either. I have always loved this time of the year. There’s…
lakeside institute youth camp

Fear Not

August 9, 2023A Note from Max Andrick Hello Friends! Lakeside Institute is the name of the camp we attend as a youth group every summer. I have had the opportunity to be on staff for over ten years. This year I was given the privilege of being the chaplain for the week. The scripture of the week was Isaiah 43:1: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine.” In the months preceding…
summer events

Summer Events!

We’ve got some great stuff planned this summer to connect, play, serve, pray, and learn!
celebration Sunday confirmation graduates Bibles


May 17, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Seventh grade was rough. In the small town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, all the students in seventh through twelfth grade went to school in the same building. The older students at our school were notorious for picking on the seventh graders. As a brainy, insecure, and extremely skinny 12-year-old girl, I was an easy target. I’ll never forget the afternoons and evenings spent crying in my bed, wishing that I could…
lakeside institute youth camp

Where Y’At?!

August 17, 2022A Note from April Andrick Dear Friends, Where Y’At?!?!?! I am finally starting to feel fully rested from our week of camp at Lakeside Institute a couple of weeks ago. I do not know the last time anyone else slept in a non-air-conditioned space, on a metal bunk bed with the thinnest mattress ever produced in the history of mattresses, in a large open bunkroom with 50+ of your closest friends and people you have never met before,…