Church News (Page 3)

Thanksgiving Outreach serving others beyond mission food insecurity


November 27, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, As we lean in to a day of giving thanks, we offer to you these words of the poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox. It’s not just in the big things, but may we be thankful to God for it all… Thanksgiving Ella Wheeler Wilcox1850–1919This poem is in the public domain. We walk on starry fields of white   And do not see the daisies;For blessings common in our sight   We rarely offer praises.We…
Focus groups featured image FI

New Church Center App!

Hello HUMC Community! Exciting changes coming to our giving and signup platform in 2025! We would like to take this opportunity to let you know there are some changes coming to our giving platform in 2025. Beginning January 1, 2025, we will be moving from Vanco and Servant Keeper to Planning Center to manage our membership and giving. This change will allow you to manage and change your personal account and look up your current giving picture at any moment.…
Advent Bible Study Low Jon Pavlovitz

Deepening our Spiritual Journey

November 20, 2024A Note from Marilyn Hoeflinger Dear Friends, I love our church, my church. I love and respect our pastors, our staff, those that are in leadership, and the entire community that aligns itself with the core values and principles of our faith community. Being encouraged to continue to learn about what God through Christ is asking of me in these tumultuous times, I humbly remain optimistic that I still have much to learn and offer as we navigate…
Thanksgiving Outreach serving others beyond mission food insecurity


November 13, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, November, in my humble opinion, is the best month of the year. It’s not just because we get the privilege of voting, or because it’s No-Shave November, or even the fact that it happens to be my birth month (though that does make it a bit more momentous). For me, November is special because it’s the one month when we intentionally pause to celebrate and give thanks for the abundance and…

A Prayer for Election Day

November 5, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dearest Ones, As we embark on this historic day in an election year like no another, know that your pastors are holding you in our hearts today. The Letters of Encouragement usually go out on Wednesdays, but this week we thought you could use a little encouragement and prayer today. I offer you this prayer written by Kaeley McEvoy, a young leader in Washington, DC, working with the Christian organization Sojourners. Her words…
Cram the Cruiser coat drive

Cram the Cruiser Coat Drive

Help Hilliard Police Cram the CruiserCoat Drive with new or gently-used coats for Hilliard City Schools students! Every donation stays local. All coat sizes are accepted. Bring to the marked bin in the Sanctuary building entryway or the church office by December 1.

Order Poinsettias & Candles for Christmas Eve

Honor or Remember a Loved One this Christmas & Help Decorate our Worship Spaces Order Deadline:Sunday, December 1 We invite you to purchase a poinsettia or flameless candle for Christmas in memory or honor of a loved one. They will decorate the Sanctuary and Warehouse 839 through December 24, after which you may take yours home. Please make your payment and complete the order form below. We also have some paper copies of the order form in the social hall…
The Whole Story

Democracy & the Renewing of Our Minds

October 30, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Successful democracies require that people learn to understand their own beliefs and actions, to reflect nondefensively on these in the presence of others having different beliefs and experiences, and to use these experiences to develop new understandings in the pursuit of the common good. ~ Jon Wergin, Deep Learning in a Disorienting World These words leapt off the page as I was engaging my grad school reading for the week. Wergin…

Vision & Values Gatherings

For the last three years, we’ve been journeying through The Great Story. Our goal at the outset was to understand the larger arc of scripture and the grand story of what it is trying to tell us. This is a God of relationships whose primary desire has been to connect with us and help us to connect with all of creation. As we near the end of this three-year journey, we couldn’t be more excited to share with you some of the…

Wesleyan Quadrilateral

October 23, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, A few weeks ago, I shared one of our core United Methodist frameworks, the Wesleyan Quadrilateral. This framework provides a helpful tool for how we understand and come to know God I like this second image because it also helps us to see how they interact, and particularly how we read and understand scripture. Scripture provides a place to start from and to stand. It is the primary way the story…

For Equilibrium

October 9, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, I was reading an article about human emotion and came across this phrase “paleomammalian cortex.” I thought theological terminology was difficult enough, but as I read I learned that this is how engineering types talk about the emotional centers of our brain. The emotional center of our brain For me, finding this emotional center can mean reading scripture or looking at an image and entering into the scene. It means moving…