Posts from January 2023

all will be well encouragement

All Will Be Well

January 18, 2023A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, In August 2020 I wrote a Letter of Encouragement that shared my struggles with a troublesome mantra that I had learned during Basic Training in the US Army. It was three words that for so long defined the way I took on any objective or project put before me: KILL THE HILL. Kill the Hill: Revisited I invite you to go back and read that reflection from 2020. We were in…

Slowing Down

January 11, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I wasn’t always into poetry. I am learning to appreciate its gifts more as time passes, especially the kind of poetry that speaks plainly and clearly, and gives me space to listen to what lies within the words for me. This past Sunday, we read a poem in worship by one of my favorite writers, Jan Richardson. It was a poem written for Epiphany, which falls 12 days after Christmas. Epiphany…

A New Year

January 4, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Happy New Year, friends! I’ve always loved the ritual of turning the calendar into a new year. The energy that January brings with it offers a fresh start, and a chance to look ahead with renewed hope about what this year might hold. For many years now, I’ve been in the habit of taking some time to reflect on the prior year and thinking ahead into the new one. This year,…