Posts from February 2023

learning in community adult opportunities lent classes

Learning in Community

February 22, 2023A Note from Beth Palmer Dear Friends, I have always loved school. I can remember all my elementary school teachers’ names. I loved learning and being with my friends. I still remember the satisfaction I felt at coming up with an enormous list of homonyms in about third grade (words that sound the same but are spelled differently, remember?). I still have some of my artwork. High school wasn’t my favorite, but I remember a great physics class…

The Bible

January 15, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve had an evolving relationship with the Bible over my life. As a child, I found the stories presented to me on flannel boards mildly interesting. Aside from the story of Jonah and the whale (a favorite of mine), I wasn’t particularly drawn in by the church services or Sunday School lessons. Jesus seemed like a nice guy, but very distant from my actual life. I did, however, read my Bible…
band leader hiring job music church worship Warehouse 839

Music & Church

February 8, 2023A Note from Ryan Freudenburg Dear Friends, Growing up in my family, there were two constants: music and church. The two were often a package deal. My childhood was full of Sunday services, youth group, church camp, worship bands, choirs, the list goes on. Not only is music a huge part of my life, but it is also a huge part of my faith. I grew up in a conservative church, and as I left college and entered…
anxiety running listening body encouragement


February 1, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Over the years, I’ve started to notice the telltale signs in my body that indicate that things are off. Achy shoulders and a stiff neck? Usually I’m feeling SAD. Headache and sinus pressure? Usually I’m OVERWORKED and need a break. Tightness in my lower back or trouble breathing? Usually I’m feeling ANXIOUS. It took me a long time to admit to myself that anxiety was something I struggle with. I used…