Posts from April 2023
A Rock & a Hard Place
April 26, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve always been a goal-oriented person. I enjoy the work of problem-solving and finding the best possible outcome for everyone involved. Even when it’s hard, the process of overcoming obstacles and getting to the finish line is something I find incredibly satisfying. (Here’s me finishing my longest race ever of 10 miles!) The reality of life is that some things aren’t things you can “overcome.” Some things can’t simply be problem-solved.…
The Lost Years
April 19, 2023A Note from Pastor Jenny Smith Dear Friends, Anyone else feel like they lost the last three years of their life? I intellectually know March 2020-March 2023 happened. My body knows it too. There’s plenty of leftover trauma vibes running around my nervous system to prove it. My Google calendar is full of evidence I lived these last three years. Somehow my children grew taller. My Amazon Photos account even says I have 23,188 photos and videos during…
April 12, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, It was mid-January when my doctor called me with the news. “Your blood tests came back, and I’m sorry to tell you that you are pre-diabetic. We’ll need you to be on a strict diabetic diet for the next three months to see if we can get those numbers back down.” It wasn’t entirely a surprise. I had gone to the doctor that day after a few unusual blood sugar incidences.…
Gospel of Matthew Recordings
During this holy week, we invite you to take some time to experience the Gospel of Matthew as a whole, read by our pastors and other folks from both Hilliard UMC and Fairmont Presbyterian Church, our partner for The Great Story. Hearing the whole Gospel read straight through, from start to finish, can be a powerful experience! The Readers
Holy Ordinary
April 5, 2023A Note from Jon Esala Dear Friends, On January 18 of this year, one of my dreams came true. My wife Meredith gave birth to our son Emmett at just after 9 in the morning. I became a dad. He’s a little over two months old now, and every morning around 7am I get him out of his bassinet and change his diaper. As I do, he brightly smiles good morning to me. I smile back. We’re both…