Posts from July 2023
Fast Forward, In Reverse
July 26, 2023A Note from John Hoffman Dear Friends, Pastor Jon asked me to share some information about myself. He said it would be good for you to know a little about me while I attempt to fill the gaps during Pastor April’s Renewal Leave. The first thing to know is that I am not comfortable sharing things about myself. I’m not an introvert, just private… avoiding attention, working behind the curtain rather than under the spotlight. What follows is…
Every Little Thing Gonna Be Alright
July 19, 2023A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, Every little thing’s gonna be alright… As I write this Letter of Encouragement, it’s been just a little over 72 hours since Pastor April has headed off for her 16 weeks of renewal leave from Hilliard UMC. As the days drew closer to her departure, I could feel the tension building in my body as I was acknowledging to myself that I was about to take the reins for this 16-week…
The Best Week of the Year!
July 12, 2023A Note from Michael HaneyThe Best Week of the Year! Dear Friends, It’s here — Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Some say it’s the best week of the summer. I think it’s the best week of the YEAR! For those of you that may not be familiar, VBS is a week-long experience for kids four years old through entering sixth grade. The three-hour morning consists of crews of age-group-organized kids going from station to station experiencing God and Jesus…
July 5, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Space. As I listen to people talk about what they are going through, I hear this consistent longing. More space. They may not always use this word, but it’s there under the surface. “I can’t wait for some time away from work.” “I’m waking up exhausted each day.” “I haven’t had time to myself in weeks.” “I just wish I had more time with the people I care about most.” More…