Posts from September 2024

God loves you no matter what

Fall’s Invitations

September 11, 2024A Note from Lindsay Robinson Dear Friends, I was driving home the other day and noticed some of the trees that line the street had begun to change color. They were a lighter green with more hints of yellow starting to show. The leaves signifying to us that fall is upon us. This change in season coordinates with the start of the school year, and for me, it always feels like an invitation. Fall invites us to learn…

Liminal Space

September 4, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve always been fascinated by the moments in time when things begin to shift. A word spoken at just the right time, a diagnosis that no one saw coming, an unexpected opportunity, a chance encounter, and sometimes just an idea or inspiration that leads us somewhere we hadn’t foreseen. Most of the time, we see these moments only in hindsight, reflecting on the spark, energy, or awakening that jolted us from…