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Lent at Hilliard UMC

Holy Week, April 13-19 Good Friday worship on April 18 will include ASL interpretation for the deaf and hard of hearing. (We’re hoping to have ASL for Maundy Thursday, too; stay tuned.) The Easter Vigil service at 7pm on Saturday, April 19, will be hosted in partnership with our friends at Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3500 Main Street, just down the street from HUMC. Most services will also livestream. Easter On Easter, April 20, there will be Godly Play for…
family canoe trip

Summer Camp Staff Opportunities

Camp Wanake of the East Ohio Conference (UMC) is now recruiting staff for their 2025 summer ministry. They especially seek college students and other young adults who are free in summers (e.g. school teachers) and who have potential for Christian leadership. Peter and Cathy Hahn worked there for several summers many years ago, as did two of their kids. “We can testify that being on summer staff is usually a life-changing, transformative experience.” Camp Wanake’s website contains information about this…
Focus groups featured image FI

New Church Center App!

Hello HUMC Community! Exciting changes coming to our giving and signup platform in 2025! We would like to take this opportunity to let you know there are some changes coming to our giving platform in 2025. Beginning January 1, 2025, we will be moving from Vanco and Servant Keeper to Planning Center to manage our membership and giving. This change will allow you to manage and change your personal account and look up your current giving picture at any moment.…

Order Poinsettias & Candles for Christmas Eve

Honor or Remember a Loved One this Christmas & Help Decorate our Worship Spaces Order Deadline:Sunday, December 1 We invite you to purchase a poinsettia or flameless candle for Christmas in memory or honor of a loved one. They will decorate the Sanctuary and Warehouse 839 through December 24, after which you may take yours home. Please make your payment and complete the order form below. We also have some paper copies of the order form in the social hall…

Vision & Values Gatherings

For the last three years, we’ve been journeying through The Great Story. Our goal at the outset was to understand the larger arc of scripture and the grand story of what it is trying to tell us. This is a God of relationships whose primary desire has been to connect with us and help us to connect with all of creation. As we near the end of this three-year journey, we couldn’t be more excited to share with you some of the…
hiring help wanted job postings staff

Welcome to our new Chancel Choir Director!

We’re pleased to welcome Coshel Caudill (he/him) as our new Chancel Choir Director for the 9am Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary! He writes, “I have wanted to do music ministry for as long as I have wanted to be in music. It is a passion of mine, and giving back to God with what he has given me is my dream come true. My goal is to try and make singing in a church as accessible as possible for…
United Methodist Church

UMC General Conference Decisions

Announcement about General Conference Decisions Over the last two weeks, members of The United Methodist Church gathered in Charlotte, NC, for the postponed 2020 General Conference. While the General Conference made many important decisions, we want to lift up some specific changes that relate to the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people into the life of the Church. This General Conference voted to: We give thanks for progress in the pursuit of justice and inclusion. May our connection grow in love,…
HUMC rainbow logo

Financial Update

Thursday, October 26, 2023 Beloved HUMC Community, Last year about this time we held a State of the Church meeting to share about how we were having a difficult year in terms of our finances at HUMC. We had some expenditures that caught us by surprise, leading to a nearly $80,000 projected deficit, and you responded. You helped to close that significant gap by the end of the year. As a result we pushed our budget planning until the beginning…
reconciling congregation inclusive

Statement of Affirmation

This Statement of Affirmation was approved in spring 2021 when we voted to become a Reconciling Congregation – we just wanted to share it with you again. Statement of Affirmation “We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and…

2023 Envelope Campaign

Welcome to our2023 Envelope Campaign! This will raise funds to address a shortfall in our 2023 operating budget, which is unable to be funded by other means. This campaign will run for four weeks in both the Warehouse 839 and Sanctuary worship spaces.  Each envelope is labeled with a monetary denomination from $1 – $200. Please pick an envelope in a denomination that is comfortable for you to contribute.  Instructions on how to contribute to the campaign are inside the envelope,…
new worship times schedule starting July 9

New Worship Times Starting July 9

New Worship ScheduleStarting July 9 Your Church Council voted unanimously to move to a new worship schedule starting in a few weeks on Sunday, July 9. Our 9am traditional service will remain as it is. Our second service will move to 10:30am and will be a shorter 45-50 minute service with music and the message, designed for families with children. Godly Play and our Youth small group classes will be offered during that time period (youth small group resumes in…
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