Preschool Registration is Open
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Help Greet Families for Preschool Graduations
45-minute Shifts AvailableThursday & Friday, May 16 & 17Sanctuary building Here’s a fun opportunity to serve our weekday preschool families as they come to celebrate their child’s graduation! You’ll welcome families to the event, hand out programs, and direct people to the sanctuary, restrooms, etc. We always want to be strengthening our good connection between the church and the weekday preschool, and this is one way to do that! The graduation programs are at 9:30am, 10:30am, and 1pm both days,…
My Passion for Music
April 10, 2024A Note from Jeff Rone Dear Friends, Music has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. My mom likes to tell the story of when two-year-old Jeff would toddle around the house singing his ten-year-old sister’s piano recital music. This kind of thing is how my mind works. I can’t tell you what I had for lunch yesterday, but I can still sing you music that I learned when I was nine in…
Loving Our Neighbors
January 10, 2024A Note from Nikki Buskirk Dear Friends, “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:36-40) When the Faith Finders group first started (for kids in…
Serving Opportunity: Preschool Christmas Programs
HUMC Weekday Preschool Christmas Programs Monday, December 18, & Tuesday, December 19 Volunteer opportunities include greeting families and passing out programs, helping families take photos in front of photo backdrops, and restocking tables of reindeer food and take-home gifts. Claim one or more slots! Sign up for one day or both! Let’s be jolly as we connect with our preschool families and staff! This is a wonderful way to celebrate our partnership with our weekday preschool and support the important…
Showing No-Matter-What Love
October 25, 2023A Note from Nikki Buskirk Dear Friends, As many of you know, back in January I officially became a Godly Play trainer. I get to go to other churches and train people in how to do Godly Play, the Bible stories and materials we use in our Children’s Ministry on Sunday mornings with kids age four through 6th grade. I have loved every moment of it: meeting new people, talking about Godly Play, speaking the language of Godly…
The Courage to Be
October 18, 2023A Note from Courtney Wiater Dear Friends, I have always liked to stay busy. Not always productive, but always busy. All throughout my high school and college career, I was at the school 12 or more hours daily, participating in classes, band, choir, theater, and other extracurriculars. In my social life, I would go from one activity to the next, rarely pausing or just staying home to rest. As I entered my first few years as a teacher,…
The Best Week of the Year!
July 12, 2023A Note from Michael HaneyThe Best Week of the Year! Dear Friends, It’s here — Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Some say it’s the best week of the summer. I think it’s the best week of the YEAR! For those of you that may not be familiar, VBS is a week-long experience for kids four years old through entering sixth grade. The three-hour morning consists of crews of age-group-organized kids going from station to station experiencing God and Jesus…
Summer Events!
We’ve got some great stuff planned this summer to connect, play, serve, pray, and learn!
May 17, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Seventh grade was rough. In the small town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, all the students in seventh through twelfth grade went to school in the same building. The older students at our school were notorious for picking on the seventh graders. As a brainy, insecure, and extremely skinny 12-year-old girl, I was an easy target. I’ll never forget the afternoons and evenings spent crying in my bed, wishing that I could…
Stand Up & Go Gold!
May 10, 2023A Note from Robin Ozbolt Dear Friends, In our preschool world, colors are a topic of conversation on a daily basis. What is your favorite color? Can you share the red crayon? My dress is pink! My shoes are green! But when does a color represent much more than a shade on the spectrum of colors? The Color Gold The color gold has been on all of our minds this year. Gold is a precious metal, but it…
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