Building Community
Vision & Values Gatherings
For the last three years, we’ve been journeying through The Great Story. Our goal at the outset was to understand the larger arc of scripture and the grand story of what it is trying to tell us. This is a God of relationships whose primary desire has been to connect with us and help us to connect with all of creation. As we near the end of this three-year journey, we couldn’t be more excited to share with you some of the…
Opportunities to Serve
We have LOTS of ways you can offer to serve others at a time that fits your schedule and in a way that feels right to you. Assist families at the Hilliard Food Pantry’s Holiday Store December 15-17. Help welcome our weekday preschoolers & their families for their Christmas programs on Monday or Tuesday, December 18 or 19. Pack bags of food for Hilliard students in need to take home for the holidays with our Feeding Hilliard Students ministry. Help…
Statement of Affirmation
This Statement of Affirmation was approved in spring 2021 when we voted to become a Reconciling Congregation – we just wanted to share it with you again. Statement of Affirmation “We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and…
2023 Envelope Campaign
Welcome to our2023 Envelope Campaign! This will raise funds to address a shortfall in our 2023 operating budget, which is unable to be funded by other means. This campaign will run for four weeks in both the Warehouse 839 and Sanctuary worship spaces. Each envelope is labeled with a monetary denomination from $1 – $200. Please pick an envelope in a denomination that is comfortable for you to contribute. Instructions on how to contribute to the campaign are inside the envelope,…
The Best Week of the Year!
July 12, 2023A Note from Michael HaneyThe Best Week of the Year! Dear Friends, It’s here — Vacation Bible School (VBS)! Some say it’s the best week of the summer. I think it’s the best week of the YEAR! For those of you that may not be familiar, VBS is a week-long experience for kids four years old through entering sixth grade. The three-hour morning consists of crews of age-group-organized kids going from station to station experiencing God and Jesus…
Summer Events!
We’ve got some great stuff planned this summer to connect, play, serve, pray, and learn!
It’s almost Farm Market season!
March 22, 2023A Note from Amanda Nofzinger Dear Friends, When I was a little kid going to the Farm Market with my grandparents in Michigan, I never really thought about what it would take to run one. I had no idea that that little seed of tradition would lead me into the role I play today. Now that I am the Farm Market Manger, let me share with you what it takes to organize the summer market. December: January: February:…
Learning in Community
February 22, 2023A Note from Beth Palmer Dear Friends, I have always loved school. I can remember all my elementary school teachers’ names. I loved learning and being with my friends. I still remember the satisfaction I felt at coming up with an enormous list of homonyms in about third grade (words that sound the same but are spelled differently, remember?). I still have some of my artwork. High school wasn’t my favorite, but I remember a great physics class…
Focus Groups
Help create our future! We invite you to engage in conversation on the financial issues facing HUMC and what worship in Warehouse 839 will look like going forward. FOCUS GROUP 4 – Topic: Financial Status. Thursday, December 1, 6:30pm in the sanctuary building, parlor. Facilitated by Finance Chair Will Thorsberg.
Town Hall Meeting: Action Steps
Whether you were able to attend the State of the Church Town Hall Meeting or not, we are SO grateful that you are interested in taking some action steps on these issues. Your participation means more than you know, and your engagement will help us create our future as a church. Thank you! Action Step Ideas We invite you to prayerfully consider what God is inviting you to do in the days to come. Choose the step or steps that…
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