'easter' Tagged Posts
Order Easter Flowers
If you would like to place a flower in either of our worship spaces for Easter, to honor or remember a loved one and help us beautify the space, please fill out the order form below. Order Deadline: March 11 Lilies are $8 eachTulips are $6 eachHyacinth are $6 each Order and pay online using the blue button below, or you’ll find a printed form at the office or at church Sunday morning, which you may turn in with your…
Seeing Resurrection Everywhere
April 3, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, My friend Christelle and I were having lunch at my house on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. “What is the deal with the Easter Bunny and all the eggs?” she asked. Christelle is from Peru, and their Easter celebrations don’t involve egg hunts or bunnies or anything of the sort. We talked about the ways different cultures both create and then sometimes export their beloved rituals and celebrations, until sometimes…
Holy Ordinary
April 5, 2023A Note from Jon Esala Dear Friends, On January 18 of this year, one of my dreams came true. My wife Meredith gave birth to our son Emmett at just after 9 in the morning. I became a dad. He’s a little over two months old now, and every morning around 7am I get him out of his bassinet and change his diaper. As I do, he brightly smiles good morning to me. I smile back. We’re both…