'God loves you no matter what' Tagged Posts (Page 10)

Focus groups featured image FI

Focus Groups

Help create our future! We invite you to engage in conversation on the financial issues facing HUMC and what worship in Warehouse 839 will look like going forward. FOCUS GROUP 4 – Topic: Financial Status. Thursday, December 1, 6:30pm in the sanctuary building, parlor. Facilitated by Finance Chair Will Thorsberg.
gratitude thanksgiving


November 23, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dearly Beloved, Like many, I appreciate the invitation this week to take time for gratitude. I wanted to share with you the words of one of my favorite poets, David Whyte. These words invite us to be fully attentive to what is before us, and to allow our gratitude to be fully experienced… not as an illusory idea, but as a lived reality. With gratitude to all of you and the gift it…
West Ohio Conference, United Methodist Church

Methodism – Denominational Update

November 16, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I remember the moment I knew the United Methodist Church was the right one for me. I was in seminary in a United Methodist History class, and our professor, Dr. Diane Lobody, was telling us story after story of John Wesley in the early days of the Methodist movement. Wesley lived in the mid 1700s, a priest and academic in the Church of England. He bore witness to the massive divide…

Becoming the Church the World Needs

November 9, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I remember the moment like it was yesterday. I was 10 years old, and my family and I were on our way out of First United Methodist Church for the day. Rev. Brooks, the retired minister who attended our church, stopped me in the hallway. “Mark my word, April… I think one day you are going to be a minister.” I don’t remember exactly what I said to him in that…
Thanksgiving Outreach serving others beyond mission food insecurity

God is a God of Abundance

November 2, 2022A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, Those who have been around Hilliard UMC for a while are familiar with our annual Thanksgiving Outreach. To those newer to our HUMC community, this outreach is a partnership that is shared among HUMC, other area UMC churches, Hilliard City Schools, and the Hilliard Food Pantry. (If you experience food insecurity and want to get on the list to receive food and gift cards through our Thanksgiving Outreach, contact the Hilliard…
MTSO Methodist Theological School in Ohio

Introducing our MTSO Intern

October 26, 2022A Note from Molly Collier Dear Friends, Good day, friends! I have had the pleasure of meeting some of you in person and have enjoyed getting to know you during the community dinners, in between services, and in taking part in Wednesday night classes. I have been grateful for these moments of connection and look forward to many more during my time at HUMC. Relationships, authentic relationships, have always been an anchor for me, and I am passionate…
God loves you no matter what

God loves you… no matter what!

October 19, 2022 Dear Friends, No big letter today, just a reminder that YOU MATTER. You matter to God, and you matter to us! With love to you, from your church staff
Fall encouragement tea warm sweater

Letting Go

October 12, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve always been fond of the season of fall. The cooler, crisp temperatures. The changing colors of the leaves. The start of my Fantasy Football League (and all the delightful trash talking that comes with it). The pumpkin spice EVERYTHING. (Whoever brought the pumpkin spice donuts to church last week… you are very appreciated!) And all the amazing Halloween decorations, costumes, and fabulous candy. (It’s not too late to join us…
first step encouragement

Beginner’s Mind

September 28, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, When it rolled around two weeks ago, I didn’t expect this birthday to be as hard as it was. I’m halfway through my 40s… halfway to 90. It wasn’t so much that I was feeling old… (After all, 45 is the new 35 or something?) Instead, I was pondering the reality that there’s a good chance I’ve already lived more than half of my life. In one of my favorite Richard…
Wednesday community supper carry out in person free hot meal outreach

Wednesday Community Supper Resumes INSIDE!

August 10, 2022A Note from Beth Latella Dear Friends, Feed My Lambs — join the Wednesday Supper Team! What do cooking and quilting have in common? They are two of my favorite activities, but more than that, for me, they are two methods of offering warmth and comfort. They are also two important ministries of Hilliard United Methodist Church. Both were changed, but not stopped, by the pandemic. Quilters quilted at home, which suited my view of sewing as individual…
retreat altar FI

Full Circle

August 3, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, “When life brings you full circle,pay attention.There’s a lesson there.”~Mandy Hale I was eight years old the first time I remember attending Catholic Mass with my grandmother. While some of the rituals felt different from the Methodist church I was used to (why did people keep touching their foreheads and shoulders?), others seemed familiar. I knew you were supposed to stand up when the songs started, and most of the words…