'God loves you no matter what' Tagged Posts (Page 7)

Children's Ministry

The Courage to Be

October 18, 2023A Note from Courtney Wiater Dear Friends, I have always liked to stay busy. Not always productive, but always busy. All throughout my high school and college career, I was at the school 12 or more hours daily, participating in classes, band, choir, theater, and other extracurriculars. In my social life, I would go from one activity to the next, rarely pausing or just staying home to rest. As I entered my first few years as a teacher,…
deeper waters innovative courageous leaders

My Answer from God?

October 11, 2023A Note from Michelle Dethlefsen Dear Friends, When I had my son, I quickly realized that I didn’t know half of what I thought I did. I was 24 and a single mom. I didn’t really have a place to live, and I was determined to make my child feel as if he wasn’t missing out in life due to the choices I made. I crashed at friends’ houses, moved in with someone I barely knew, worked four…
HUMC rainbow logo

The Church Where We Belong

October 4, 2023A Note from Donna Bradley Dear Friends, Walking into church many years ago, our then three-year-old son Elliot became obsessed with a deceased squirrel we passed crossing the street. During a quiet time of prayer, the questions rang from his mouth, not yet pronouncing “squirrel” properly. “Mommy, is the dead girl still in the street?”“Why can’t I touch the dead girl?”“Who will clean the dead girl up?” I remember trying to stifle my laughter and sheepishly clarifying “squirrel”…

Who We Are

September 27, 2023A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, I don’t know if you’re tired of hearing me say it, but I will continue to do so: I am eternally grateful to each and every single one of you. In this season of renewal for our Lead Pastor, Rev. April Blaine, you have continued to drive forward our mission and vision of sharing the love of God with all persons, No Matter What. Time and time again, you have stepped…
Walk to Emmaus

Opportunity to Serve: Walk to Emmaus

A few of our folks from Hilliard UMC are on the leadership team for the upcoming Women’s Walk to Emmaus #102 here in central Ohio. April Andrick invites us to serve and pray the weekend of October 6-8. The others from HUMC who are serving are Max Andrick, Melissa Landon, and Christina Schaffer. The Walk to Emmaus is a weekend spiritual growth retreat. You can sign up to help out in the kitchen, restock bathrooms, keep the place tidy, etc.…
over-the-counter OTC meds

Wasteful with our Prayers

September 20, 2023A Note from Beth Palmer Dear Friends, In early August I got some upper respiratory crud that has hung on FOREVER — it’s been six weeks now, and it’s still not totally gone! Here’s me at my best. (Ha.) Dry throat for a week, then the chest cough, deep and croaky, for a couple weeks. Next was the worst. head. cold. ever. The phlegm, my God, the phlegm! Then it plugged up my ears, and my hearing got…

Connecting with God and Learning How to Pray

We all want to experience a deeper connection with God… but most of us don’t really know how. And most of our spiritual life is going to be spent outside of church, so here are some ideas of some things we can do on our own to connect with God. Prayer & Meditation Boot Camp Class First, we have a great prayer class coming up at church, if you’d like to develop your own prayer practice. Prayer and Meditation Boot…
God loves you no matter what!

God loves you… no matter what!

September 13, 2023A Note from Rev. Woody Woodward Dear Friends, I don’t remember when it was exactly. To be honest, I don’t even remember the year. But I’m guessing it was eight or nine years ago, when I sat in a circle in a classroom in the Sanctuary building with a dozen or so other folks from HUMC. We had been called together as part of a strategic planning process for the church, and the discussion turned to the idea…
reconciling congregation inclusive

Statement of Affirmation

This Statement of Affirmation was approved in spring 2021 when we voted to become a Reconciling Congregation – we just wanted to share it with you again. Statement of Affirmation “We celebrate God’s gift of diversity and value the wholeness made possible in community equally shared and shepherded by all. We welcome and affirm people of every gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation, who are also of every age, race, ethnicity, physical and mental ability, level of education, and…

Giving Back

September 6, 2023A Note from Stephanie Dailey Dear Friends, Pastor Jon approached me a couple of months ago and asked if I would be willing to write a Letter of Encouragement for HUMC, more specifically a letter explaining why I felt called to offer my estate planning services to HUMC’s members and church-goers at a discounted rate and then donate 100% of the fees paid to the church. I was very happy to assist, but I will warn you in…
September calendar

There is Enough

August 30, 2023A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, This Thursday night and into Friday morning it will be time to turn the page. Like it or not, we will acknowledge that we are two-thirds of the way through this calendar year of 2023. The page turn to September, however, is an exciting one for me. The excitement is not just because my kids are all back in school either. I have always loved this time of the year. There’s…

2023 Envelope Campaign

Welcome to our2023 Envelope Campaign! This will raise funds to address a shortfall in our 2023 operating budget, which is unable to be funded by other means. This campaign will run for four weeks in both the Warehouse 839 and Sanctuary worship spaces.  Each envelope is labeled with a monetary denomination from $1 – $200. Please pick an envelope in a denomination that is comfortable for you to contribute.  Instructions on how to contribute to the campaign are inside the envelope,…