'inclusive' Tagged Posts (Page 3)

United Methodist Church

Annual Conference

May 30, 2024A Note from Pastor April HUMC Family, Last night the West Ohio Annual Conference convened at Capital University in Bexley, Ohio. Each year, equal numbers of clergy and lay delegates from each church across West Ohio gather to worship, pray, commission and ordain new clergy, and vote on important matters before the annual conference of the United Methodist Church. Your two pastors, along with your Lay Delegates, Stephanie Harrell and Michael Haney, will be representing our church as…

Listening to our Hearts

May 22, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve been back from my renewal leave for six months this week, and I continue to feel the benefits of those four months away. Some of the gifts were expected — rest, time with family and friends, and a chance to travel were among the highlights. One of the greatest gifts, however, was entirely a surprise. The time away gave me time to LISTEN to what my heart truly desires. I’m…
celebration Sunday confirmation graduates Bibles

The Church

May 15, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Spending time with family has always been really precious to me. When Martin and I made the move to Ohio in 2003, we left behind our families in Arkansas. Since then, my immediate family has only become more scattered across the US (my sister in Seattle and my brother and his wife in Colorado). Though we make lots of efforts to stay connected and see each other throughout the year, I…
weekday preschool

Help Greet Families for Preschool Graduations

45-minute Shifts AvailableThursday & Friday, May 16 & 17Sanctuary building Here’s a fun opportunity to serve our weekday preschool families as they come to celebrate their child’s graduation! You’ll welcome families to the event, hand out programs, and direct people to the sanctuary, restrooms, etc. We always want to be strengthening our good connection between the church and the weekday preschool, and this is one way to do that! The graduation programs are at 9:30am, 10:30am, and 1pm both days,…
United Methodist Church

UMC General Conference Decisions

Announcement about General Conference Decisions Over the last two weeks, members of The United Methodist Church gathered in Charlotte, NC, for the postponed 2020 General Conference. While the General Conference made many important decisions, we want to lift up some specific changes that relate to the full inclusion of LGBTQ+ people into the life of the Church. This General Conference voted to: We give thanks for progress in the pursuit of justice and inclusion. May our connection grow in love,…

Fill Your Cup

May 8, 2024A Note from David Bartholomew Dear Friends, So, you’re hoping to be in tune with today’s discipleship in a time when your views on social change can make or break nearly all sense of community? No matter what beat you’re marching to, we can all find common ground in the idea that we are here to do what He has called us to do. That is the very foundation of what led me to join the congregation officially…
Jemez Springs LOE FI


May 1, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, As I write this Letter of Encouragement I am just over a month from having been appointed the Associate Pastor here at HUMC for five years. In that time we endured a global pandemic, became an official Reconciling Congregation, grieved the loss of dear friends through death or who moved on from this faith community, and relaunched worship in Warehouse 839, among MANY other things. These five years have been some…
house plants

Help with youth house plant project

Are you a gardener who loves indoor plants? Do you have some plants already growing in your home that could easily be propagated? In the first couple of weeks of August, we will be inviting folks in the congregation to bring a few of their houseplants to the church and assist our youth in learning how to take the leaves and stems and grow new plants. The youth will then watch as new roots begin to grow, and eventually pot…
youth suicide awareness & prevention adult learning event

Youth Mental Health

April 24, 2024A Note from Max Andrick Hey Friends! I have volunteered and walked beside youth and their families for a while now, and I believe that there is a greater need now more than ever for us to share in this journey. Proverbs 22:6 says Train up a child in the way they should go,and when they are old, they will not depart from it. Psalm 139:14 This scripture makes it seem so simple. Train the child up in…
house plants

Plants and More Plants

April 17, 2024A Note from Pastor April & April Andrick Dear Friends, Today’s letter is a tag team from the Aprils — Pastor April and April Andrick, our Director of Youth Ministry. April Blaine: While I had always enjoyed outdoor gardening, it wasn’t until the pandemic that I ventured into indoor houseplants. They seemed to require a lot more attention and care than I had time for. How much water to give them? How much sunlight did they need? House…
contemporary music band leader

My Passion for Music

April 10, 2024A Note from Jeff Rone Dear Friends, Music has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. My mom likes to tell the story of when two-year-old Jeff would toddle around the house singing his ten-year-old sister’s piano recital music. This kind of thing is how my mind works. I can’t tell you what I had for lunch yesterday, but I can still sing you music that I learned when I was nine in…
God loves you no matter what

Seeing Resurrection Everywhere

April 3, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, My friend Christelle and I were having lunch at my house on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. “What is the deal with the Easter Bunny and all the eggs?” she asked. Christelle is from Peru, and their Easter celebrations don’t involve egg hunts or bunnies or anything of the sort. We talked about the ways different cultures both create and then sometimes export their beloved rituals and celebrations, until sometimes…