'preschool' Tagged Posts
Preschool Registration is Open
Click/tap the image to be directed to the preschool’s website and enrollment information.
Help Greet Families for Preschool Graduations
45-minute Shifts AvailableThursday & Friday, May 16 & 17Sanctuary building Here’s a fun opportunity to serve our weekday preschool families as they come to celebrate their child’s graduation! You’ll welcome families to the event, hand out programs, and direct people to the sanctuary, restrooms, etc. We always want to be strengthening our good connection between the church and the weekday preschool, and this is one way to do that! The graduation programs are at 9:30am, 10:30am, and 1pm both days,…
Serving Opportunity: Preschool Christmas Programs
HUMC Weekday Preschool Christmas Programs Monday, December 18, & Tuesday, December 19 Volunteer opportunities include greeting families and passing out programs, helping families take photos in front of photo backdrops, and restocking tables of reindeer food and take-home gifts. Claim one or more slots! Sign up for one day or both! Let’s be jolly as we connect with our preschool families and staff! This is a wonderful way to celebrate our partnership with our weekday preschool and support the important…
Stand Up & Go Gold!
May 10, 2023A Note from Robin Ozbolt Dear Friends, In our preschool world, colors are a topic of conversation on a daily basis. What is your favorite color? Can you share the red crayon? My dress is pink! My shoes are green! But when does a color represent much more than a shade on the spectrum of colors? The Color Gold The color gold has been on all of our minds this year. Gold is a precious metal, but it…