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God loves you no matter what!


January 29, 2025A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, I once heard it said that we are called human beings, not human doings, and we must remember the importance of simply being. Even Jesus took time away from doing to focus on being. Throughout his public ministry, he modeled the rhythm of retreating for prayer and renewal: spending 40 days in the wilderness after his baptism, withdrawing privately following the feeding of the 5,000, and even stepping away before choosing…
rest renewal Zion National Park

Rest & Renewal

March 1, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, On Sunday I shared with the congregation that I’ll be taking a few months away this late summer and fall for a season of renewal leave (July 16-November 13). In the United Methodist Church, pastors are encouraged by our Book of Discipline to take some time away every six years for rest and renewal. Both Pastor Jon and I took a time of renewal leave before we began our appointments here…