'Thanksgiving outreach' Tagged Posts

Thanksgiving Outreach serving others beyond mission food insecurity


November 13, 2024A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, November, in my humble opinion, is the best month of the year. It’s not just because we get the privilege of voting, or because it’s No-Shave November, or even the fact that it happens to be my birth month (though that does make it a bit more momentous). For me, November is special because it’s the one month when we intentionally pause to celebrate and give thanks for the abundance and…
Thanksgiving Outreach serving others beyond mission food insecurity

God is a God of Abundance

November 2, 2022A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, Those who have been around Hilliard UMC for a while are familiar with our annual Thanksgiving Outreach. To those newer to our HUMC community, this outreach is a partnership that is shared among HUMC, other area UMC churches, Hilliard City Schools, and the Hilliard Food Pantry. (If you experience food insecurity and want to get on the list to receive food and gift cards through our Thanksgiving Outreach, contact the Hilliard…