Help with youth house plant project

Help with youth house plant project

Are you a gardener who loves indoor plants? Do you have some plants already growing in your home that could easily be propagated?

In the first couple of weeks of August, we will be inviting folks in the congregation to bring a few of their houseplants to the church and assist our youth in learning how to take the leaves and stems and grow new plants.

The youth will then watch as new roots begin to grow, and eventually pot those plants and nurture them into maturity. The results will be a spring indoor plant sale for the congregation to purchase and support our youth!

We expect that all of us will learn some things when people bring their knowledge and passion together and share them with the youth.

Let us know now that you might be interested in this project and what kind of indoor plants you have growing in your house that you could offer.

We would love for some of you to come in person and actually work with the youth in showing them how to propagate and care for the plants throughout the process!

Follow the link here to share your interest.