Ministry Staff

Katie Williams, Preschool Director

Katie Williams

Welcome, Katie! After serving as Assistant Director of our Preschool for 6.5 years, we’re thrilled to welcome Katie to the position of Preschool Director, as outgoing Director Robin Ozbolt retires. Katie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and Family Science with a concentration in Early Childhood Development from The Ohio State University. She administers the largest outreach program of the Church, serving more than 200 hundred families in our community each year. “Early childhood development is my passion as…
Lindsay Robinson, Director Children's Ministry Children kids child

Lindsay Robinson

Lindsay’s (she/her) responsibilities include Godly Play, Vacation Bible School, Safe Sanctuaries training, and much more. She leads our FaithKids group for younger children, and she supervises the nursery staff. “As a mom of four, I know how important it is to have a children’s program at church that my kids WANT to attend, that provides foundational faith education that supports what we are already learning and practicing as a family, and that will always welcome and love my children and…
Nikki Buskirk director middle grades ministry

Nikki Buskirk

Nikki’s ministry is with children in grades 3-6. She (she/her) leads our Faith Finders group, and she’s a Godly Play storyteller and a Godly Play Trainer with the Godly Play Foundation. “The acceptance and the family-type structure is one of my favorite things about working at HUMC. They are more than just my coworkers — they are also my friends and family. I know that I’m safe here. Beyond that, it’s about the support and confidence building they give me,…
April Andrick, Director of Youth Ministry

April Andrick

As Director of Youth Ministry, April (she/her) serves in ministry with teenagers in grades 7-12. She leads our youth group, serves on the Lakeside Institute staff for summer camp, and leads kids in mission and outreach opportunities, among many other things. “I am passionate about making sure that no teen or young adult ever believes there is anything they can do to make God love them less, or worse, not at all! I love that in this job I have…
Beth Palmer Director of Adult Discipleship

Beth Palmer

As Director of Adult Discipleship, Beth (she/her) is responsible for adult learning opportunities, small groups, and other events and gatherings for fostering spiritual formation and faith development. She also serves as our website content manager and primary communications staff person. “I love helping people connect with God and make friends with other people of faith, and I love seeing their eyes light up with joy when they’ve understood something about themselves in a new way and experienced some personal growth!…