'faith' Tagged Posts

Israel Pilgrimage Southern Steps Pastor Jon

Holy Land Pilgrimage, Revisited

July 17, 2024A Note from Pastor JonGreatest Hists: Revisiting some previous Letters of Encouragement, in celebration of all God has done during these last four years! Dear Friends, It’s been just over 2 years since I returned from my pilgrimage to the Holy Land. My heart aches for the land in conflict and war and for the people and victims of war. The current climate in Israel/Palestine still does not in any way diminish my memory or experiences on the…
Faith Finders children weekday kids

Seeds of Faith

September 7, 2022A Note from Nikki Buskirk Dear Friends, By now many of you know that I have this dream of being a homesteader, of having acres upon acres of land where I can grow things. Even though that’s a distant dream of mine, I do have a substantial garden plot in my backyard where Tyler, the boys, and I grow food every year, which we harvest and then process to be used until the next growing season. This year…
retreat altar FI

Full Circle

August 3, 2022A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, “When life brings you full circle,pay attention.There’s a lesson there.”~Mandy Hale I was eight years old the first time I remember attending Catholic Mass with my grandmother. While some of the rituals felt different from the Methodist church I was used to (why did people keep touching their foreheads and shoulders?), others seemed familiar. I knew you were supposed to stand up when the songs started, and most of the words…
great story message series sermon worship

50 Days of Embodiment

50 Days of Embodiment Living the Great Story in Daily Life “Embodiment” simply means a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling; the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form. Living into our faith as Christians has always been a full body experience.  Below you’ll find some spiritual practices that can help us embody our faith more fully in The Great Story we are writing with our lives. Here’s a quick link straight…