'inclusive' Tagged Posts (Page 9)
Pride, Prejudice, & Pronouns
June 21, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I remember the first few times I heard people introduce themselves and include their gender-related pronouns. “My name is Greg and I use he/him pronouns.” I was confused. Why was he stating something that (in my mind) appeared to be obvious? Shortly after, I began to see friends introducing themselves with pronouns I was less familiar with. “I’m Jane and I use they/them pronouns.” Now, my English grammar lessons from school…
Releasing the Outcome
Releasing the Outcome June 14, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I might have preached a sermon on Releasing the Outcome on Sunday, but this doesn’t mean that I’m good at it. A couple of years ago, we introduced you to the Palms Up Path, through my good friend and colleague the Rev. Jenny Smith. It’s four easy-to-understand steps around how we seek to live our lives with God. Show UpPay AttentionCooperate with GodRelease the Outcome I’m not suggesting…
New Worship Times Starting July 9
New Worship ScheduleStarting July 9 Your Church Council voted unanimously to move to a new worship schedule starting in a few weeks on Sunday, July 9. Our 9am traditional service will remain as it is. Our second service will move to 10:30am and will be a shorter 45-50 minute service with music and the message, designed for families with children. Godly Play and our Youth small group classes will be offered during that time period (youth small group resumes in…
Grief & Hope
June 7, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, When I walked into the main hall of the Dayton Convention Center last week, I could feel the heaviness in the room. People were milling about the room trying to find a table where they could sit. Some were greeting old friends that they hadn’t seen in years. Others were sitting at the corners of the room with arms crossed, avoiding eye contact. I immediately wanted to leave. As the morning…
Summer Events!
We’ve got some great stuff planned this summer to connect, play, serve, pray, and learn!
There All Along
June 1, 2023A Note from Deborah Mitchell Dear Friends, It’s Been There All Along, Waiting for You What does it mean to “grow”? What does it mean to grow as a Christian? To grow as a human being? In many ways, the idea of “growth” has been central to how I’ve tried to understand and interact with the world throughout my life. When I was a little girl, very early on I gravitated toward the idea of growth as mastery,…
May 17, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, Seventh grade was rough. In the small town of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, all the students in seventh through twelfth grade went to school in the same building. The older students at our school were notorious for picking on the seventh graders. As a brainy, insecure, and extremely skinny 12-year-old girl, I was an easy target. I’ll never forget the afternoons and evenings spent crying in my bed, wishing that I could…
Stand Up & Go Gold!
May 10, 2023A Note from Robin Ozbolt Dear Friends, In our preschool world, colors are a topic of conversation on a daily basis. What is your favorite color? Can you share the red crayon? My dress is pink! My shoes are green! But when does a color represent much more than a shade on the spectrum of colors? The Color Gold The color gold has been on all of our minds this year. Gold is a precious metal, but it…
Prodigal by Proxy
May 3, 2023A Note from Diana Huey Dear Friends, My mother and I have a long, complex relationship, fraught with anger, disappointment, rebellion, grief, and denial, but also laughter, love, longing, healing, and hope. We didn’t speak for a quarter of a century, yet God has been working on us and we are slowly & steadily rebuilding & healing. Mom is a texter, not a talker, so imagine my surprise when she texted to ask if I was available for…
A Rock & a Hard Place
April 26, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, I’ve always been a goal-oriented person. I enjoy the work of problem-solving and finding the best possible outcome for everyone involved. Even when it’s hard, the process of overcoming obstacles and getting to the finish line is something I find incredibly satisfying. (Here’s me finishing my longest race ever of 10 miles!) The reality of life is that some things aren’t things you can “overcome.” Some things can’t simply be problem-solved.…
The Lost Years
April 19, 2023A Note from Pastor Jenny Smith Dear Friends, Anyone else feel like they lost the last three years of their life? I intellectually know March 2020-March 2023 happened. My body knows it too. There’s plenty of leftover trauma vibes running around my nervous system to prove it. My Google calendar is full of evidence I lived these last three years. Somehow my children grew taller. My Amazon Photos account even says I have 23,188 photos and videos during…
April 12, 2023A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, It was mid-January when my doctor called me with the news. “Your blood tests came back, and I’m sorry to tell you that you are pre-diabetic. We’ll need you to be on a strict diabetic diet for the next three months to see if we can get those numbers back down.” It wasn’t entirely a surprise. I had gone to the doctor that day after a few unusual blood sugar incidences.…