'Pentecost' Tagged Posts

Israel Pilgrimage Southern Steps Pastor Jon

Pastor Jon’s Pilgrimage to Israel

July 27, 2022A Note from Pastor Jon Dear Friends, 50 Days of Embodiment We are deep into our 50 Days of Embodiment here at HUMC in this season of Pentecost. This has been a time when we have been encouraged to live into our faith as Christians in a full body experience. Speak the prayers, meditate, walk, even lay ourselves prostrate, falling flat on our face before God as an act of humility and reverence. I hope and pray you…
great story message series sermon worship

50 Days of Embodiment

50 Days of Embodiment Living the Great Story in Daily Life “Embodiment” simply means a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling; the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form. Living into our faith as Christians has always been a full body experience.  Below you’ll find some spiritual practices that can help us embody our faith more fully in The Great Story we are writing with our lives. Here’s a quick link straight…