'resurrection' Tagged Posts

God loves you no matter what

Seeing Resurrection Everywhere

April 3, 2024A Note from Pastor April Dear Friends, My friend Christelle and I were having lunch at my house on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. “What is the deal with the Easter Bunny and all the eggs?” she asked. Christelle is from Peru, and their Easter celebrations don’t involve egg hunts or bunnies or anything of the sort. We talked about the ways different cultures both create and then sometimes export their beloved rituals and celebrations, until sometimes…

Life, Death, & Resurrection

March 27, 2024A Note from Abby Que Dear Friends, On September 28, 2015, the world ended. Well, that’s what it felt like for me. My first husband, high school sweetheart, and best friend, Kevin Schranz, had taken his life. I was in a state of disbelief and numbness for almost a year. This was a person I felt deeply connected to spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Reflecting now with time, experience, knowledge, and internal resources I didn’t have at the…