Serving Within Hilliard UMC

Serving Within Hilliard UMC

Looking for a way to serve within the church? Try out one of these options!

Safe Sanctuaries certification is required for all those volunteering with children, youth, or vulnerable adults. Details here.

Welcome Teams

You can be the smile someone needs on a Sunday morning!

The Welcome Teams greet people arriving for in-person worship, answer questions, help folks find what they need and show people where to go (like the nursery or the Godly Play room for kids), assist with seating and special needs as needed, take attendance, and put the financial offerings away. It’s a great way to meet people and connect more deeply at HUMC!

Serve once a month or sub in as you’re available

If you want to serve as you’re available without making a regular commitment, sign up for the SUB team – we’ll reach out when we need people, and you can sign up if you’re available that Sunday, committing just a few days ahead of time.

Or you can make a monthly commitment to serve once a month at the same service (e.g. 2nd Sunday of the month at 10:30am in the Sanctuary).

Pray for Others

We’d love to add you to our email list for twice-weekly prayer concerns, so you can use your gift of prayer to pray for others.

Nursery Staff

Our staff nursery workers care for children during Sunday worship.

Each staff worker is trained in our Safe Sanctuaries policy and has passed a background check, and several are trained in infant/child CPR.

If you’re interested in working in the nursery, please contact Lindsay Robinson or use this form:

Worship & Music Ministry

  • The Media Team runs the slide show and occasional video clips during worship and special events.
  • The Camera Team records and broadcasts the service for our online community.
  • The Sound Team, with training, runs the sound board for worship and special events.
  • The Livestream Team hosts online worship: welcoming & connecting with viewers in the Facebook Live chat feed, posting links to the website, capturing prayer requests, and tracking online attendance.
  • The Communion Team helps prepare, serve, and clean up after Holy Communion.
  • Chancel Choir: For adults and high school youth (grades 9-12). Rehearses Wednesdays, 7:30-8:30pm (school year), in the Sanctuary. Sings during 9am worship; occasionally presents special music services. Contact: Coshel Caudill, Chancel Choir Director.
  • Handbell Ringers: Plays handbells in worship. Contacts: Laura Kitchel, Cathy Hahn, & Ginny Fisher.
  • Warehouse 839 Band: Do you sing or play an instrument? You can play or sing with the Band often or occasionally, as it fits your schedule. Director of Contemporary Music and Warehouse 839 Band leader: Jeff Rone.

Office Volunteers

  • Receptionists answer the phone, receive visitors, and help out with various office tasks during office hours.
  • The Mailing Team processes congregational mailings.

Committees & Ministry Teams

  • The Finance Team oversees the church budget, giving, and expenditures.
  • The Trustees (Building Committee) is responsible for managing and maintaining our facilities & grounds.
  • The Staff/Pastor Parish Relations Committee (SPPRC) is our personnel team, handling the hiring of new staff, staff evaluations and performance reviews, and supporting staff.
  • The Church Council is sets and guides the vision and mission of Hilliard UMC.
  • The Nominations Team meets in the fall a few times to nominate and invite people to serve on committees.