Staff & Leadership

Staff Retreat August 2024
Staff Retreat, August 2024
Rev April Blaine, Rev Jon Osmundson
Pastor Jon & Pastor April

Committees & Chairpersons

Our 2024 Lay Leaders are Jon Esala & Ginny Fisher, and our Church Council Secretary is Debbie Wimbish.

Trustees (Buildings & Grounds): Kevin Roberts
Finance: Scott Merillat
SPPRC (Staff/Pastor Parish Relations) (Personnel): Will Nixon

Stay tuned for the 2025 Committee list, which includes everyone who’s on the four main committees, contact info for the committee chairs, and meeting dates and times. The Committee Descriptions outline the responsibilities of each group.

2025 Church Council
2025 Church Council Leadership, L-R: Debbie Wimbish (Council Secretary), Lead Pastor April Blaine, Ginny Fisher & Deb Mitchell (Lay Leaders), Associate Pastor Jon Osmundson
Reverend April Blaine, Lead Pastor

Rev. April Blaine

Pastor April (she/her) was called to serve as Lead Pastor at Hilliard UMC in October 2016, after serving at Summit on 16th UMC and Riverside UMC. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas and a Master of Divinity from the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, and she was ordained an elder in 2012. She and her husband Martin have two school-age boys, Eugene and Marcus. She writes, “Despite its flaws, I believe the church…
Rev Jon Osmundson, Associate Pastor

Rev. Jon Osmundson

Pastor Jon (he/him/his) was called to serve as Associate Pastor of Hilliard UMC in July 2019, and his ministry is focused on mission and outreach. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tennessee, and a Master of Arts in Practical Theology from Methodist Theological School in Ohio. He completed a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in 2020. “I love seeing people live out their call to love others in many varied…

Katie Williams

Welcome, Katie! After serving as Assistant Director of our Preschool for 6.5 years, we’re thrilled to welcome Katie to the position of Preschool Director, as outgoing Director Robin Ozbolt retires. Katie holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and Family Science with a concentration in Early Childhood Development from The Ohio State University. She administers the largest outreach program of the Church, serving more than 200 hundred families in our community each year. “Early childhood development is my passion as…
Lindsay Robinson, Director Children's Ministry Children kids child

Lindsay Robinson

Lindsay’s (she/her) responsibilities include Godly Play, Vacation Bible School, Safe Sanctuaries training, and much more. She leads our FaithKids group for younger children, and she supervises the nursery staff. “As a mom of four, I know how important it is to have a children’s program at church that my kids WANT to attend, that provides foundational faith education that supports what we are already learning and practicing as a family, and that will always welcome and love my children and…
Nikki Buskirk director middle grades ministry

Nikki Buskirk

Nikki’s ministry is with children in grades 3-6. She (she/her) leads our Faith Finders group, and she’s a Godly Play storyteller and a Godly Play Trainer with the Godly Play Foundation. “The acceptance and the family-type structure is one of my favorite things about working at HUMC. They are more than just my coworkers — they are also my friends and family. I know that I’m safe here. Beyond that, it’s about the support and confidence building they give me,…
April Andrick, Director of Youth Ministry

April Andrick

As Director of Youth Ministry, April (she/her) serves in ministry with teenagers in grades 7-12. She leads our youth group, serves on the Lakeside Institute staff for summer camp, and leads kids in mission and outreach opportunities, among many other things. “I am passionate about making sure that no teen or young adult ever believes there is anything they can do to make God love them less, or worse, not at all! I love that in this job I have…
Beth Palmer Director of Adult Discipleship

Beth Palmer

As Director of Adult Discipleship, Beth (she/her) is responsible for adult learning opportunities, small groups, and other events and gatherings for fostering spiritual formation and faith development. She also serves as our website content manager and primary communications staff person. “I love helping people connect with God and make friends with other people of faith, and I love seeing their eyes light up with joy when they’ve understood something about themselves in a new way and experienced some personal growth!…
Lori Lee Community Connections Office Manager

Lori Lee

Lori (she/her) serves in the role of Community Connections and Office Manager. She’s in the office four days a week during office hours. “I love connecting people with their passions for service and in the community. I want to be able to connect our members and the community to the resources, community service, activities, and events in our community. And I love the open and inclusive culture that is being created at HUMC.” “My husband, Lanton, and I have raised…
Jenn Halsaver Finance Administrator

Jenn Halsaver

We’re thrilled to welcome our member Jenn Halsaver to the role of Finance Administrator! She’s responsible for financial bookkeeping and reporting, payroll, and bill paying. She holds Masters in Business Administration from Medaille College in Buffalo, New York. Jenn writes, “I like to keep things in functional order with clear and concise details so that anyone can understand what is happening. This position allows me to do that for the church members. I am driven to create order, sometimes out…
Lisa Haney, Financial Secretary

Lisa Haney

As Financial Secretary, Lisa faithfully ensures that the contributions that come into the church are accounted for and entered into our system. She does a weekly report to give us an update on what contributions have come in and then also sends out statements to all those who have contributed, for tax purposes.
Steve Payne Building Manager custodian custodial janitor

Steve Payne

Steve works to keep our buildings clean and running smoothly! He does everything from custodial work to maintenance and repairs, from set up and tear down to working with contractors and vendors. He loves to work with people, and he likes what HUMC stands for. He loves helping people! For maintenance emergencies, please call the church office (614.876.2403). If it’s after hours, please call Steve or a staff person directly.
Coshel Caudill, Chancel Choir Director

Coshel Caudill

Coshel Caudill (he/him) serves as Chancel Choir Director for the 9am Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary. He writes, “I have wanted to do music ministry for as long as I have wanted to be in music. It is a passion of mine, and giving back to God with what he has given me is my dream come true. My goal is to try and make singing in a church as accessible as possible for everybody, no matter what they’re…
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