Posts by admin (Page 15)
Deeper Waters: Innovative & Courageous Leaders
Deeper Waters: Innovative & Courageous Leaders September 2022 – May 2023 It’s an extraordinary time to be a human. With everything we are facing collectively and individually, more than ever, the world needs innovative and courageous leaders who can meet this moment with a: Capacity to hold complexity and ambiguity Compassionate, non-anxious presence Commitment to pursuing the most humane and loving path forward How do we continue to evolve into the leaders that are needed in this season? Research consistently…
Raising Children in a Church Known for its Love
June 29, 2022A Note from Anthony Coy-Gonzalez Dear Friends, In the midst of such volatile times where up and down, past and present, new beginnings and déjà vu all seem intertwined, I reflect on the comforting words of Jeremiah 29:11: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” On good days and bad, I settle on these words to…
50 Days of Embodiment
50 Days of Embodiment Living the Great Story in Daily Life “Embodiment” simply means a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling; the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form. Living into our faith as Christians has always been a full body experience. Below you’ll find some spiritual practices that can help us embody our faith more fully in The Great Story we are writing with our lives. Here’s a quick link straight…
Safe Sanctuaries Training
If you’re interested in volunteering with children (like for VBS!), youth, or vulnerable adults, you’ll need to do our Safe Sanctuaries training. All the details about training dates, paperwork to be completed, the background check, and how to sign up are HERE.
Covid-19 Protocols
Posted Monday, April 4, 2022 We’re grateful to be able to share with you some updates regarding our COVID-19 protocols here at HUMC. First of all, I want to say how FAITHFUL this church has been — not only the leadership, who have been tasked with difficult decisions for two years on how to respond with wisdom and care, but also in this congregation’s solidarity with, respect for, and honoring of one another. We were cautious, thoughtful, and discerning about when was…
Need Some Encouragement?
Let’s get real — life is hard. There’s a lot to be discouraged about these days! But there’s also a lot to encourage us! When we look around, we see that God routinely puts gifts in our path that bring us life and hope! Want to hear more? We send out a weekly Letter of Encouragement – sign up here to receive them in your inbox, and check out past letters HERE.
Want to hear from us more often?
We send out occasional news eblasts about upcoming events, adult learning opportunities, and places where you can plug in and serve others. Weekly Letters of Encouragement will give you some hope and joy and boost your faith. If you like to pray for others, sign up for our twice-weekly prayer chain.
Hilliard UMC is a Reconciling Congregation
Hilliard UMC is now a proud member of the Reconciling Ministries Network! This congregational vote and the high percentage of affirmation helps us to send a message loud and clear to the LGBTQ+ community here in our neighborhood that they are not only welcome in this church, but they are loved just as they are. More details HERE, along with our Statement of Affirmation.
11am Service Interpreted for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Our 11am service is interpreted weekly for the deaf and hard of hearing! You can come in person or watch online or on demand. Details about worship are HERE. The American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter stands to the left of the stage/altar as you’re looking toward the front, if you want to choose your seat in the sanctuary for the best view.
Get the Giving App
There’s an easy way to support Hilliard UMC right from your phone! Give in 3 easy steps: Download the free VANCO MOBILE app on your smart phone (available for both iPhone and Android). Find Hilliard UMC. Donate. Easy, paperless, and goes straight to the church, credited to you. Thank you for your generosity!